Wednesday, August 09, 2006

My god-like ability to create

Hello again. I think there is a direct correlation between my marked disinterest in my auditing homework and my piqued interest in my blog.
So I am embarking on a rather exciting journey tomorrow: I am returning to see a specialist to start down the road to getting my tubes tied. I had originally gone to see this fellow perhaps a year and a half ago. After refusing to go back on the pill, use the patch or insert any number of strange birth control doodads into my body, he explained the tubaligation procedure to me. This gave me pause, and I took some time before "making my decision" to go ahead with the butchery.
However! Tomorrow I go to visit the specialist again, to confirm my interest in never becoming pregnant for as long as I live. I can hear a collective sigh from my mother and grandmother as I write this, but they still have Jason to bully around.
So, kind of an interesting thing that's going on with me. Though not as interesting as the janitor in Pacific Centre that yelled "He's gay!" in the general vicinity of the Starbucks there. I don't know what that fiasco was about.
I'll keep you updated, right up until they immerse me in the ether and tell me to count backwards from ten. Lucky I've taken auditing, so I'll be able to accommodate them!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmmm... in and out day procedure versus full-out surgery... I'd probably fight a little harder. Men are so protective over their weiners. If you end up getting it done, just let him know he has to be your slave until you've fully recuperated (which of course should take several years...)!

8:47 PM  

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