Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Kim Jong Il

Thanks to the creators of South Park, every time I see Kim Jong Il on the news I laugh. I remember the Kim Jong Il puppet in Team America, and I keep expecting him to say "Hans, Hans, you're breaking my balls here, Hans". But he doesn't. Now that we're on the topic of the illustrious Kim Jong Il (how would you shorten this? would you call him Kim? or Mr. Il?), what exactly is the ruckus about? So the guy wants nuclear weapons, don't we all? No wait, that was the wrong argument. My argument is this: the US, Russia, the UK, France, India and Pakistan all have nuclear weapons - why shouldn't North Korea? I mean, is anyone comfortable with any of these countries having the ability to nuke another country off the face of the planet? The US is scariest of all, because we all know that they can take sabre-rattling to an extreme with Canada when they realize that, due to an abysmal lack of conservation, preparation and rational thought, they are out of clean water and oil and want to pilfer ours. And how secure is Russia's big bomb? God, they probably don't have it anymore! It's been stolen and smuggled and sold on the black market and now the Russian Mafia have it and are going to change their mission statement from "ve take your gambling site down unless you give ten million dollars now please" to "ve take your country you capitalist pigs". The UK? Uh, yeah. Don't want to diss my English heritage, but I'm not entirely comfortable with some ruddy guy having one hand on the button and the other wrapped around a Guinness.
I guess kind of digressed there a bit and engaged in some unwarranted country bashing. Yeah. I really hate Greenland too. I mean, what's the deal down there? Does anyone live there? You never hear about them. What are they doing? Does anyone else get the feeling they're biding their time, waiting for the perfect moment to do... something? I bet they've got the bomb for sure.
Okay, back to my original point: who died and left George Bush in charge? How come every time something of global significance occurs the world casts its eyes to him to shed some light on the situation? Who is he to say North Korea can't have the bomb? It's the same argument that relates to the environment: the "developed" countries have decimated their forests, polluted their waters to become the veritable superpowers that they are, but god forbid India should not follow strict environmental guidelines. And oh! let's all dictate what should be done with the Amazon. I'm certainly not advocating environmental irresponsibility here, and certainly in a perfect world Ed Begley Jr. would be president, but let's not forget where we came from.
Anyways. I don't purport to know what the answer is. If I were to guess, however, it would be that no one should have the bomb. And if it is totally necessary that such a weapon exist, then the UN should have it. But, since it does seem to be a race to get the bomb and to balance out the inequality between countries, we should try and get one too. Anyone know anyone? Got a little yellowcake uranium?


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