Thursday, March 08, 2007

I'm an amazing person

So, several things happened after my last blog last night. I smoked a joint. I ate all the Nilla wafers, and the remaining four chocolates. I'm like a human Hoover or something. I watched Lost and you know, when you're baked, the dialogue is so bad as to be hilarious. Here is my recap of last night's Lost (from an altered persepective):
Some guy: was it you?
Syed: no, it wasn't me!
Some guy: my wife said it was you!
Syed: no, you've got the wrong guy.
Some guy: it was you, wasn't it?
Syed: no, I've told you, it was not me.
Some guy: did you do it?
Syed: no, I wouldn't do that.
Some guy: you did it, didn't you?
Syed: no, no.
And then Locke played chess for a while and then...
Some guy: did you do that do my wife?
Syed: no.
Some guy: admit that you did it.
Syed: I cannot admit to something I didn't do.
Some guy: I'm going to to come back and we're going to talk about this some more.
And then the wife tells this totally wack story about a cat in a box of firecrackers. Holy crap, what was that about?
And then this morning I got an email from B telling me that he received my happiness exercise and was honored that I had sent it to him. He said that he thought I was an amazing person, and was happy if he had been able to illuminate that for me in some fashion. I emailed back that I thought he was great to, well on the road to full self-actualization and that I wished him well with his upcoming career choices. Then he emailed back that if I "ever needed to talk" he would "be around". Sweet.
And thus concludes my first foray into the dating scene. Seriously? I'm okay with that. But you know what else? Women are not complicated. Men are complicated. The guy compliments me incessantly every time he sees me and then plays the "let's be friends" card via email? It's all good. I am an amazing person. I force my friends to tell me this all the time. Life goes on. It's actually kind of funny.
I should write an episode of Lost.


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