Sunday, August 13, 2006

My religion

Once I'm done this auditing course (which is taking up a RIDICULOUS amount of my time), I'm going to give some serious thought to creating my own religion. I mean, if someone can dream up such gems as Scientology and Mormonism then there's got to be some room for me.
The questions/issues that I am finding with religion are as follows:
1) We tend to select a religion based on what our parents subscribed to. If your daddy was a member of a white supremacy group, would you adhere to that morality as well?
2) We also tend to buy into the religion that is dominant in our geographic locale. For example, being born here and opting to go out and "find God", I would likely look to Baptism, Catholism, Lutheranism, etc, solely because they are prolific here in Canada. There are so many more religions, most that we are probably totally unaware of, to choose from so why do we not explore them all?
3) Religion tends to make a sin out of things that make us feel good, like premarital sex and masturbation. Why?
4) Why does marriage factor into religion anyways? I guess I need to re-read the bible, but I don't remember a lot of big weddings being mentioned in it, so where did the concept of marriage come from, and why are we living in sin if we're not married?
5) The earth sustains human life, shouldn't religions really be focusing on that?
6) Religions seem really keen on interpreting their good book and then writing down the "rules". As we've all seen, a lot of religions within the same vein can't seem to agree on the same interpretations (is dancing good/bad? should we drink/not drink). What is our obsession with trying to convert what are essentially parables, into quantifiable rules? Can't we just leave it open to interpretation? Wouldn't that lead to more conversation and soul searching, versus the concept of going to hell because someone chose to interpret something literally?
These are just a few issues I have with religion, so I think that my religion will be the antithesis. It will be about respecting the earth, because the earth gives us life. It will be open to interpretation and discussion. It will be positive instead of guilt ridden. Everyone can join. There will be pony rides. Lots of wine. Maybe orgies on special occasions. Auditing will be banned.
Peace out.


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