Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Almost funny

I had a chat with a coworker the other day (the one that liberated the robot with articulated arms for me at the Christmas party) about dating. I explained to him my fear of rejection and my overall shyness. I think when I tell people that I am shy they are surprised given my opinionated and argumentative nature, but I really only share that happy side of myself with people I know well. Yeah yeah, I’m sure you’re all now thinking “She has a quiet, shy side? Why does she have to be so hard on me then?”. Shut up, you love it. Anyways, my coworker said that one morning he just woke up and didn’t care what anyone thought about him. He said it was very liberating. Rejection no longer fazes him. I think he is my hero. I also think that I am slowly achieving this Zen like state of stoic apathy, although I think there is a phase of humility and hilarity that one must pass through first. I am now going to share with you something that at one time I would have viewed with disdain, which now just makes me laugh and feel kind of tired.
I received another smile from a gentleman on Lavalife. He is 45 and is a pilot. He flies between here and Ottawa regularly. He tried to initiate an IM session with me on Lavalife once (and though I was thrilled to be finally eliciting attention from someone with an actual photography, I did shut ‘er down because he’s 45… and not a hot 45 either). So I guess this guy wants me to be his booty call in Vancouver. I’m sure he makes a lot of money and I bet he would take me nice places. He would perhaps require me to say things “permission for take off” when in bed. Maybe he has some stewardess fantasy he’d like me to participate. I think I would enjoy the one where I spill scalding pea soup on his exposed genitals.
So that is my newest story. I also received a smile from another sumo looking guy, which brings my totals to: the old man that looks like Leonard Cohen; 2 sumo guys; a swinger on a horse; the guy that looks like Jesus from the Big Lebowski; a sugar daddy pilot. Yeah. Slowly ceasing to care.


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