Saturday, July 28, 2007

Music lovers, hello!

How are you? You look fabulous. I would like to strongly encourage everyone that likes music that doesn't SUCK to check out the playlist on It is mmmm.... good. Like, not just a little bit good, but like I'm adding almost all the music I hear to my personalized playlist.
On the other hand, last night was full of music that was not so enjoyable. My work had a little party to celebrate the latest roll out of of our product at Malone's downtown. Okay, I respect Green Day and their political views, but after the umpteeth song I could tell it didn't matter how much Sauvignon Blanc I was downing: I just wasn't feeling it. Chatted with some coworkers. Gazed fondly at M. Bid everyone adieu and went home.
Met B for dinner in Point Grey. He has been punctual for all of our meetings (?) since we started hanging out, but I was still a little surprised to see that he beat me to the restaurant. See, I was on time, where heretofore I have been at least five or ten minutes late because it pleases me. Anyways, I got this rather strange sensation as I walked into the restaurant. B was standing next to the hostess and as I walked in he was facing me, and I got the impression that I was being fondly assessed and warmly expected. I can't think of a better phrasing for it. I was a bit perplexed. He was dressed really nicely and I mentally kicked myself for thinking, "yeah, he's hot". Anyways, we had a nice meal, then wandered over to a nearby bar for drinks. Then went to Trimble Park and played on the swings. Whatever, it's my old stomping ground. I do what I want. Oh yeah, to continue on in the music vein: the music at the restaurant wasn't my genre. The music at the pub was mostly the BeeGees. I mean, I couldn't win for losing. Thank God I had some Thievery Corporation in my car.
Today I ran 7k. Michael's coming over shortly and we're heading into White Rock for dinner with my folks. And then tomorrow. Oh my god, tomorrow. I have to run 26k. It will be the furthest I have ever run before and I am scared witless. Please body, don't let me down! I have been good to you. I gave you pasta and red wine last night. You got coffee and a bagel this morning. I didn't push you too hard on today's run. Now I am going to clean you and make you look presentable because I know how you like to be presentable and nice smelling. I love you. I don't want you to leave me.


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