Saturday, July 21, 2007

So hungover

Hey, here's a fun tip: don't have four glasses of wine and then three cosmopolitans. Uh, what was I thinking? Apparently I was on quite the mission last night. Wow, mission accomplished!So I'm back. I'm mellow. I enjoyed the Island. I came to some realizations such as: I need to relax about a lot of things; my parents are really great individuals, but I cannot treat them like my friends; I need to devote more time to just being (as opposed to doing); I really need to see Aqua Teen Hunger Force; not all babies are scary.
Got the world's most expensive haircut and color on Thursday while killing time waiting to meet up with Michael in West Van. Yup, that would be fun tip number two: don't get a cut and color when you're in West Van. It was a hundred dollars more than what I pay my hairdresser (and I already balk when I have to pay her!). My mom said it looked fantastic. It does. It should!
Met up with B again last night. We went to Bin 942. I love Bin 942. I asked him the question that had been burning in my little brain for some time; why did he not call before he just fucked off to Mexico earlier in the year? I had pondered this for some time and come to the conclusion that no matter what lame ass excuse he gave it would not be sufficient, nor would it adequately excuse his ridiculous behaviour. And that's pretty much what he told me. I was glad he didn't try and sugar coat it or weasel out of it. And he apologized to me: twice. Like real life apologies whereby he said he was sorry. It was good to hear it. Then he picked up the tab (which was $100) and I was glad, because I'm still reeling from the cost of my hair!
Then we went to East Van for more drinks, which was a really great idea. Then we went back to his place and listened to some music and then he called me a cab and I went home. It was nice. Poor cabby. I really have no recollection of the ride. Wow. Haven't had that much to drink for some time. The possibility exists that I'm still drunk.
Earlier that evening B had said that he wished that he had met me now, when his life was together and he was in a better spot. I said that I wished that I had met him now too. He's doing a very good job of trying to start fresh, make amends and impress me. Huh.
Before I headed out for the evening I got a call from a good friend of mine. He's not much of a telephone guy and I was a bit surprised to hear from him. He just wanted to say hi, ask how my trip was and let me know that I was loved. It was funny, he actually said that. It completed the trifecta I suppose: I hugged my brother at the Departure Bay ferry terminal (a public display of affection!) and he didn't try and and toss me in the ocean; I hugged my friend S when she dropped me off the next day (she said, "we're hugging now??" and I said, "yes, I'm an adult"); and then this random, friendly phone call. Good vibes. This is why that, even though I'm so hungover, I'm really happy today. Yep. Gonna have a nap later on though. And maybe a cheeseburger...


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