Friday, October 20, 2006

I still hate tax

Well, I got the results of my first income tax midterm. Yeah, it was messy: 49/70 which works out to a B- or some such thing. Super. Apparently the high mark was around 58, and the class average was 50%. As one of my illuminating fellow classmates pointed out: if the class average is hovering around 50%, does that not mean that perhaps the teacher is lacking somewhat in her abilities. And then she proceeded to tell the teacher this. Good times. If I were a vindictive teacher (which I'm not, solely because I'm not a teacher, so that instead makes me a vindictive bookkeeper which is so not as scary) I would totally fail that student. I know why I did poorly though, so I can't blame the prof entirely (though she hasn't exactly been stellar).
Mostly the low mark came from, hmmm, how to explain? From not studying much. And drinking a lot of wine. I think there were a couple of "night out with the girls" in there, which tend to culminate in me sprawled on my fraying couch promising never to imbibe to such a wicked extent again. Oh, and the secondary issue that may have been detrimental to my mark related to me answering tax questions with gems like "if Client A simply opens an account in the Bahamas, he can launder all his income through there and avoid taxes in their entirety" and "why would Ms. X remit her quarterly tax remittance: she needs to stand up against the man since she voted for the Green Party in the last election". And, when pressed for time towards the end, I answered three questions with "I don't know", "$6,000" and "oh shit, we have to declare that?". I have a feeling I may be audited this year.
And such is my first income tax midterm. One more midterm and a final to go, and if I keep above 67% I will be a happy, barely knowledgeable, half blind graduate.
Oh, and also? I am purposely doing poorly so none of you will come and ask for tax advice in the coming months!!


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