Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Now that I am “on my own”, I am noticing changes in the frequency of events in my life that were, at one time, significantly more regulated. For example, my blogging has definitely decreased given that a) I no longer have the net at home and b) I may have forked up my laptop after finagling with it for an embarrassingly long period of time at Starbucks in an attempt to log on to (what I thought was) their free internet connection. Yeah, $7.50 a day – plus the price of coffee! But then, what the hell was I doing at a Starbucks anyways?
Also, my exercising regime has fallen by the wayside. I made a brief attempt to resurrect it last week, but that was really… exhausting. I’m really busy! I have to do my own dishes. I have to figure out this “recycling” concept. The garbage is piling up… normally it magically disappears – what up with that? So between studying like a fiend for tomorrow’s exam, working, and my social life (which has exploded for the brief two week period over Christmas, after which it will revert to its previous, wallflower-like tendencies), the work outs have kind of petered out. And oh yeah – I was sick for a week (please reference my post “Snot” if you missed the details of my phlegmy sickness).
Lots of studying, so the frequency of that has definitely been on the rise. Nothing caps of an eight hour day of working (okay, okay, and blogging) than another hour or two of studying. Yep, it’s quality studying too. The kind of studying where you start working on Question 1, and then you kind of lose focus, and finish the last half of Question 2 and when you review what you’ve done you get a little bit worried that you’re exhibiting signs of obvious brain damage, and yet you can’t remember the last time you succumbed to any blunt-force trauma to the head. And my eyes hurt too.
Now that I have only one TV - which resides in my boudoir – my TV watching has dropped. That’s good, because TV really does suck except for on Thursday and Sunday. So I read more, and I’ve taken to listening to the radio (CBC of course). I do recommend Stuart McLean’s Vinyl Café, which comes on at noon on Sundays. Following this there is the great, prolific pontificator Rex Murphy, whose off the cuff grasp of the English language is both admirable and kind of arousing. Oh, and he’s really patient with some of the conservative dimwits that call in. I’d be like “Hey Ted? Ted from Richmond? Fuck you.”
Yep. So that pretty much covers the ups and downs of my life currently. Really not looking forward to getting back into shape in the New Year. Kind of enjoying looking outside and seeing people shivering, with their breath misting the air and thinking “Yeah, I’m totally not going for a jog right now”, and popping a couple more wasabi and soya sauce covered almonds into my mouth. I’m having trouble buttoning my pants, but you know what? I’ll deal with it next year!


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