Monday, November 20, 2006

I repent

My weekend? Not so good. Probably spent a total of six hours outside the apartment. Not healthy. I am quite keen to score higher than 55% on my upcoming income tax exam, you see. Other than depleting my eyesight to the point where I am unable to read street signs and am getting lost in my own neighborhood, I did have some fun this weekend. Went out with Big D on Saturday night to the Speakeasy. I'm still full! If the question was: how much food can one small girl pack away in a two hour span, the answer is: an ungodly amount. Then we thought that perhaps a walk over the Granville Street bridge would help us be able to re-button our pants. Not so. I ate so much food that when I got back home I fell into a coma-like state. I believe this was because my body was focusing all its energy trying to sort and process the myriad of gastro-intestinal ingestions that I was sapped of the ability to accomplish anything. Yep. My heart kind of hurts.
Then we watched "Looking for Comedy in the Muslim World". This was a bit of a strange movie. I had heard that it was unfunny and, as I was watching it I was thinking, "this is unfunny" and also "Mel Brooks is kind of a pompous ass". Then the whole movie wrapped up beautifically, culminating in a scene involving a Taj Majal snowglobe and a bunch of L.A. nitwits raising their glasses of Moet to Brooks for his feat of bravery: spending 2 weeks in the Middle East. At was at this point that I realized the whole thing was a satire, that Mel Brooks isn't a pompous ass he was only affecting one in order to shine a light on the ignorant, culturally misguided attitude of Americans towards the middle east. I'm a little slow on the draw these days, unless you want to talk about income tax. And even then I'm only right roughly half the time!
And finally I have a confession to make. It's not a confession of any great import. I'd say it's on par with the incident involving me missing my first income tax class after waxing poetic about being an old hand regarding all things college. I'll just go ahead and lay it out: I understand the knee turn. I was jammed into the 16 on Friday afternoon and the person next to me needed to get out. The bus was so full that it wouldn't have been prudent to stand in order to let my fellow rider out, so I engaged in the knee turn. The kicker? They said "thanks". So I will take this opportunity to temper my knee turn rant: if the bus is not too full, it is more polite than not to stand and allow your traveling companion an easy and graceful exit. If the bus is so crowded that when you turn your head you find yourself a hair's breadth from someone's crotch, it's okay to engage in the knee turn.
My second, less damning confession is that I kind of like the banana arrowroot cookies. They're quite addictive, actually. Maybe they've improved them or something. I don't remember them tasting so good. Although given the quantity of food that I consumed this weekend it is safe to say that unless it was still alive or bolted down I would eat it, and think it pretty delectable.


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