Tuesday, December 12, 2006

I bring you peace, I bring you love

So the birthday was a good turnout. Parking was a breeze and no one was frustrated by it all… Okay, okay, I should’ve chosen some place more accessible. Like Joey’s… ha! Nonetheless, I had a great time at the dinner, though I forgot the remains of my chicken curry as I always do. My tab was picked up, I got fabulous gifts – who but me could receive “The Art of Civilized Conversation” and “The Big Lebowski” and be equally excited by both? Fantastic. I look forward to lambasting CTV executives more eloquently instead of lapsing into staccato bursts of “nationalism” followed by juvenile retorts of “well, because!” punctuated with wild gesticulations. I’m such a shitty arguer, but the more wine I have, the more I am unequivocally convinced that I am right. CTV execs are all nihilists.
Looking at the prior blog, it’s rather evident to see that I was a little down, a little dejected. But after seeing all my friends (with freshly scrubbed faces as I had specifically requested in my invite) I felt markedly better – jubilant even – the next day (except for the mild red wine hangover). P emailed me later in the weekend and said that I have a lot going for me: a decent job; a great family; and a terrific group of friends. I couldn’t agree more. I spoke with CM, whom I have known for a whopping 18 years, last night and I expressed this very sentiment. We talked about being a little withdrawn, trying to maintain that façade of independence and not reaching out when we’re feeling a little vulnerable. I’m trying to let that go now, trying to be a little more touchy feely, saying “I love you” instead of punching people on the shoulder. Hard, with my fists of steel.
I consider the group of people that turned out on Friday night to be one of my greatest “accomplishments”. I don’t make friends easily, and the wonderful, diverse, talented and eclectic bunch that came out last weekend have been selected carefully (and treasured) over the past couple of decades. It made me immeasurably happy that some of my friends finally got to meet each other, and that everyone seemed to get along so well. Thanks to T and Big D for giving lifts to my friends, some of whom they had only met that night. Thanks to the newfie contingent for inspiring me to train for (what will no doubt be) my fastest 10km ever. And to CR for entertaining me by eating half a chili and then running out of beer and sputtering “you can’t tell me your mouth isn’t burning”.
I had the best time on Friday night, undoubtedly because I was surrounded by the best people. I’m so eternally grateful that I am able to consider you all my friends. Please don’t be offended by my stilted attempts at hugging, or my random elocutions of love and friendship in the future. I’m in my thirties now, so it can’t possibly be considered juvenile…


Blogger Mama Bear said...

Touching, really! It's hard to make friends as we get older, and so important to show the ones we have how much they mean to us.

1:39 PM  
Blogger Big D said...

Wow, that's sweet. Duder your turning into a regular Polly-anna. Well, Ok, maybe not quite. Regrdless, your giving me a big warm fuzzy.
Glad to celebrate your birthday with you and your friends. You're a super groovy chic ya know.

12:15 PM  

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