Thursday, January 25, 2007

The things I do for TV

What the hell. What is with all the goddamned reruns on TV these days? Is it too much to ask that these actors, who make like a billion dollars a year, make more than six episodes a year? In preparation for tonight (Thursday nights are the new Sunday nights, don’t you know) I worked out Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday night so I could take tonight off. I ate well. I didn’t have any alcohol. This was all in anticipation of being able to come home, sluff off my shoes, make some mundane dinner, have a couple of glasses of wine and some snacks and be entertained for a time. But it was all for naught because The Office and 30 Rock are reruns. I don’t want to watch Grey’s Anatomy. I care only vaguely about CSI and Men in Trees. Now what am I going to do? Socialize?? Work out for the fourth day in a row? I think I managed to do deep-tissue damage during my last trip to the gym: I need a night off! And Rodney Yee, with his I’m-a-contortionist-yoga moves can bite me. “Now, lean back until your head touches the ground and kiss your own ass”. I can’t do it Rodney! It hurts!
I know, I know, it’s only TV and I should get a life. I have several back issues of the Economist to catch up on, as well as the latest Vanity Fair. I also have a book about things that one can do daily to change the world in small ways. But I was really looking forward to cheese. Meh. Maybe I can practice smiling at myself in the mirror and then try it out on humans on the bus tomorrow. Or perhaps I will go for another run and pray to the god of cardiovascular exercise that I will be able to walk in the morning. The most likely scenario involves me going to bed at 9pm to catch up on the sleep I have been losing due to my upstairs neighbor that has taken to getting up at 5:45 and clog dancing. Who gets up at 5:45? Oh yeah… I used to…. when I used to work hard for a living.
Whatever. I miss Tina Fey…


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