Tuesday, January 09, 2007

In View

I really love the new Tragically Hip CD: World Container. Love it so much in fact, that I was quite upset to discover that I had left the CD in my car when I lent it to Michael. I tried to compensate with Day for Night, but I kept wanting to hear the new track “In View”, which kicks ass. When my car was returned to me I asked Michael if he had at least listened to the new album since a) he bought it for me for my 30th and b) it rocks and c) we got to see the Hip perform it on CBC’s The Hour, hosted by George Stroumboulopoulos (it was the closest I ever came to achieving multiple orgasms - key words have been bolded for those of you that don't know me). He said that no, he had not listened to it, which made me feel that it was all for naught. I’m not sure why I felt compelled to blog any of this, except that Gord Downie is damn sexy and I like the new look he is showcasing with his jaunty cap. So tall and wiry…
The weekend was a little more low key than most, coming down off that crazy Christmas/New Year’s high. There was no one to play UNO with, though N apparently hosts game nights (involving “light strategy”) which sounds like fun. Alas, she is off to Venezuela and other tourist friendly, politically stable and economically ports of call. N: plaster the Canadian flag everywhere! Hand out Hip CDs to the locals. Only smoke duMarier. Say “eh” a lot.
I watched Little Miss Sunshine at a friend’s house on Saturday night and gorged on chinese Food. I actually watched it twice because she pours large glasses of wine, and I was a bit buzzed the first time I watched. Yep, nothing like being half cut at 9pm on a Saturday night. The movie was good though, I definitely recommend. If I were to sum it up I would say it’s a movie about a family that is singly and jointly dysfunctional that pulls together to help a young girl achieve her naïve dream, while both protecting her innocence and fostering her individuality. In other words, my parents would totally hate it.
Sunday was P’s art show at the Whip, which Michael attended with me. And sat next to a couple of hotties. I think he was actually flirting with them, which was interesting to watch. He’s surprisingly good at it. Yeah. So, there was that… But we were there for P and for her art, which was fantastic as always. When she told me that she was doing silk screening I had visions of richly hued, asian inspired pieces in my mind. When she sent out a sample of her work I was caught off guard – she did warn me it would likely not be what I was expecting – and then I quickly took a shine to it. And bought two pieces. One of the hotties at the opening commented on P’s versatility, and I must say that one of the things that I enjoy about her work is that it is unexpected, and yet always engaging, interesting, thought provoking and enjoyable. Congratulations again, P: you rock!
So, I guess that about wraps it up. Except for the hour long phone call with my dad that degenerated rapidly into an argument about real estate (though he did phone back to apologize); the ten kilometers I ran to get in shape for my upcoming “challenge” with my good friend the Newfie pimp; my listening to the new Hip CD more than one would think is healthy; and almost hurling my laptop into traffic because I can’t figure out how to log on to the FREE internet at my local coffee shop (the fact that I was hooped up on a grande hazelnut latte did not help matters). It's hard to be a hep cat when your face is flushed livid red and you have managed to convince yourself that the harder you press down on the keyboard, the more your Dell will understand what exactly it is that you are trying to accomplish.


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