Friday, March 09, 2007

Oh my fucking god!!

Ahhhhh! Clearly I am an unfailing optimist. For anyone that ever doubted that, please read this blog. So after all the confusion with B, we had made plans to get together at 8pm tonight. At 4:45 (after I had emailed him at around 2pm to confirm that we were still on) he sends me an email with the title "I suck" and says that he is feeling sick, and he would like to cancel as it would be best not to spread the sickness around, and could we re-schedule for Sunday night. I should have just emailed back "uh, you fucking suck, eat me" but instead I email "sure... is everything okay?". I will add here that I logged on to Plenty of Fish and discovered that he had removed his profile. Odd, no? He replies that he has a really sore throat and had a bad day and is feeling kind of blue. Okay, twinges the old heart strings a little. Why? I'm not sure. Clearly because I'm retahded. So I ask did he want me to call him tonight, or did he want some down time. He responds that he would "love" to hear from me tonight. So I get home around 8:45 and call him. His phone rings and then goes to voicemail. Sweet. So his phone wasn't turned off: he either couldn't get to it, or chose not to answer. I called back half an hour later and it went straight to voicemail, so he had turned it off. Uh, on a date much?
Holy fucking shit. This is just stellar. I am actually smiling and laughing as I write this. Women aren't confusing - men are. Hey, maybe I pulled back from the hand-holding thing, but uh, I had just gotten out of a six year relationship and it took me by surprise a bit. At least I didn't dick him around and cancel on him... twice. So yeah. I called JupiterGirl and explained the situation to her. She was totally confounded. I said that I kind of wanted to follow it up, because the situation was so surreal and I am kind of (intensely) curious to know what B would have to say about it.
Yeah. I am still reeling and trying to wrap my head around this one. In the meantime I called Michael and, in my pissy mood, lamented about being stood up. Yeah, that's fair: call the ex and complain about your dating problems. He said he was sorry that my "date" had cancelled on me. To which I replied that no, he wasn't sorry. Yep, class act. Nothing like calling your ex boyfriend to try to pick the fight that you should be having with the loser that bailed on you. The mind is a funny thing. At least, unlike B's, mine seems to work at least the majority of the time.
Did I mention oh my fucking god?!


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