Monday, July 30, 2007


Okay, first things first. I ran the 26k. I am awesome. You should revere me. More! Harder! Longer! The route was daunting and I'm feeling some pain today, but I'm happy I did it. The hurdle was as much mental as it was physical. I'm a mental runner. Ha ha.
Met up with Big D for lunch afterwards. I encouraged him to talk ceaselessly while I devoured my sandwich in about four bites and tried to look dainty doing so. We went shopping at London Drugs and when we returned to my apartment he said, "so what are you doing for the rest of the afternoon?" and I said, "napping". Yep, it's hard to keep up with me, eh?
So I did nap a little. Whatever. YOU run 26k and tell me how alert you are afterwards. Then I watched a few episodes of Aqua Teen Hunger Force, which my brother lent me. Okay, funniest shit ever. It's just so good and addictive. I don't have cable, but I believe it's on the Comedy Channel, so if you are one of the elite few of my friends that gets this channel... can you please invite me over? Or at least tune in to check it out. The characters are named Frylock, Shake and Meatwad. They get visited by the Mooninites who are... from the moon and look like something Atari might have created in the early 80s. It's awesome. It's my new favourite thing (besides CBC 3, and Gehringer Brothers Sauvignon Blanc).
Is there a point you can reach when you become totally un-dateable? Is this that point?


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