Wednesday, August 01, 2007

I'm doing it as hard as I can

My place is a mess. I need to stay home and clean it one day. Or get a maid. A man maid. Man made.
Went to the art gallery to see the Impessionists with Po last night. It was quite overwhelming. I felt very priviledged to be able to view the works of Manet, Monet, Rodin, Dali (what was that guy smoking?), Van Gogh and countless others. I love art. I don't understand or "get" it a lot of the time, but I appreciate it immensely and I like to be made to think. Unless I'm at work, and then I really just want to eat bagels and chat with co-workers. Getting pretty adept at that.
My "girls" are heading out of town with their respective "boys" this weekend. Stupid happy couples. Frick. It's okay. I still have Aqua Teen Hunger Force. I think that in the dim, murky subconscious of my tiny brain there are some cells that are pushing the spectacles up onto the bridge of their noses while mulling over Rodin's "The Thinker", whilst others are quoting the Mooninites from ATHF and saying things like, "you know, one person's waste is another person's soap" and things of that nature, while smoking lots of dope and eating Doritos. That could explain why I have a headache. And am hungry.
Hills today. Funtime hills. Love the hills. I like to run up them, and then run down them. Six times. In the beating sun. I love that I'm in great shape now, and nobody is interested in seeing me naked. Wait, wait, let me rephrase that. I love that I'm in great shape and no one is interested in spending a lot of quality time with me, stroking my hair, saying witty things in an effort to make me laugh, opening car doors for me, helping me on with my jacket, going for long walks on the beach, contemplating marrying me... and wanting to see me naked. Phew.
All I can say is that I'm doing it as hard as I can.


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