Friday, August 03, 2007

Shut up, ya yo-yos!

So things have been a little busy with me these days. I’ve had no down-time, just scraping by and ensuring I eat relatively healthy meals and trying to keep my apartment in some semblance of order.
C came over last night because I am making all my friends watch Aqua Teen with me. He also brought a little treat. Yay treats! Like me, he was tired and so for quite a while we sat very still and said very little. I wanted to be a more engaging hostess, but I also wanted a nap. We had some meaningful conversations about running. This is what we discussed (and yeah, it’s totally verbatim).
C: “I went running today and it took me an hour and twenty minutes, but it shouldn’t have taken me that long.”
Duder: “Where did you go?”
C: “Down to the…” Duder totally tunes out.
Duder: “Yeah, that’s like ten kilometers. It shouldn't’ve taken you over two hours.”
C: “It wasn’t 10k. It was between ten and fifteen.”
Duder: “So it was ten and a half. It still shouldn’t have taken you close to four hours.”
C: “Don’t you have that map thing that measures routes? Why don’t you map it out for me.”
Duder: “Here’s what you’re going to do: you’re going to map that route for me and let me know how far you ran.”
C: “Did I tell you how good you look in those shorts?”
Duder: “Oh, do you like them? I – nice try. You map it out. Put that on your to-do list and keep me updated.”
C: “Oh, so it’s like that, is it? I came over here for this shit? And hey, where’s your furniture?”
Duder: “Ouch. Oh man, I am totally having a party when I get my furniture. It’s going to be a modernist’s wet dream. You’re not on the list, you keep up with this. I am assigning you a task: you map that route and you get back to me.”
C: “ But-”
Duder: “Too late! It’s on your list! I need a status update!”
As you can see, it was totally illuminating. It really only degenerated from there. Then, before we knew it, it was 9:15! I’m not sure why (perhaps because I had run 11.3k and C had run 7.2k) but we were both kind of bagged so he left. I could have gone to bed. That would’ve been the prudent thing to do, but I didn’t. I listened to some music. The iTunes visualizations are vastly superior to the Windows Media visualizations in their psychedelic-ness. I contemplated more ATHF, but given the issues I had brushing my teeth and washing my face (How long have I been in here? My teeth feel so big! I’ve been in here for like an hour. Am I making too much noise? I wonder if I’m making too much noise. This toothpaste is gritty. I wonder if my face is clean yet.) I decided to call it a night.
This morning. Little cobwebby. A bit of an effort to ensure I caught the bus on the correct side of the street. Turned on my cell phone: there was a voice mail from B – he had called at 10:45. Who calls someone at 10:45?
I have the attention span of a gnat. Awesome.


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