Thursday, October 26, 2006

Lost is getting dumb

Alright. So I raced home after a coffee date with a friend last night in order to watch Lost at 8 o'clock. Of course after I had careened through red lights, cut off several cars, engaged in a little bit of off-roading, and waved my fist in anger at an aged pedestrian (with what I inferred to be a bum hip and severe back pain) who was hobbling too slowly across the lane, I learned that Lost is aired again at 9pm. Oh well. The silver lining is that I got to brush up on my aggressive driving, and the august resident struggling to get over two lanes of traffic on a dark and rainy Wednesday night got his heartbeat up a little. Which likely killed him. But it's all worth it in the name of seeing Jack sweaty, stripped and strapped to a table. God bless the writers of Lost for that - but for that only! What the hell is with this show? If you missed it, because you have life, say, here is a synopsis for you:
Kate and Sawyer are still living in cages. Jack is in a building and he gets to watch cartoons. He was removed from his room to try and save someone that his team had shot, but she died. Kate got a clean change of clothing, but Sawyer got the snot beat out of him. They strapped Sawyer to the table and apparently put a pace maker in him that would cause his heart to explode if his heart rate exceeded 140 (which he could attempt to control by watching the heart rate monitor on the watch they gave him). To prove... something... they shook a bunny rabbit with the number 8 painted on it to death. Then Kate found out she could escape from the cage so she climbed out, but then climbed back in. Then the bad guy told Sawyer they were just kidding and they hadn't given him the pacemaker of death. Ha ha. Joke's on you. HOW STUPID! This is getting more retarded and convoluted than a soap opera. I am going to guess what next week's episode will be like:
Kate gets yet another change of clothes. This time, though, it is a Bavarian barmaid's outfit and the others tell her she has to shoot below a 68 on the golf course they have built specifically for this purpose or they will shake another bunny to death. The bunnies on the island band together and try to build a raft to leave, but when they get off the island they are astounded to find they have been sailing in circles... and in addition to procreating way too much, are running precariously low on carrots. Hurley runs out of food and dies within minutes. They find the Scottish naked in the forest. Again. Jack gets to watch CTV's Ghost Whisperer on tv as a reward for good behaviour, and in response attempts suicide by holding his breath. I get introduced into the show as the woman who gets to aid Sawyer in the shower. The CTV censors are outraged because they can't find enough black censor bars to cover everything that needs to be covered. Jin and Sun find a Club Med on the island but don't tell anyone and rack up a tremendous bill having far too many umbrellaed drinks and engaging in a twenty minute conversation which is not subtitled for the viewers. Locke comes out of the closet, and joins the naked Scottish guy in the forest where they frolic like nymphs.
Yeah. I'm not sure what to make of that show anymore. I feel like a whore for devoting another blog to it. I also kind of want a bunny.


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