Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Blog names

A quick update. Okay, I admit it: I do care what people think of me. I want people to like me (and take me to hockey games and Mariah Carey concerts). I bask in the warmth of the praises lobbed at me by friends, family and coworkers when they say that I am funny, or that my legs look especially hairless today. This is why I often check how many visits have been made to my profile. As of today's date there have been 46. Now, I know you are thinking "is 46 high? low?". I will tell you! A couple of members of my blog ("my mom says I'm pretty" and "big D") have significantly higher viewings. My mom says I'm pretty clocks in at 190! That's a lot! That's almost as high as my IQ. But even more amazing is that big D has had 55 profile views and he still hasn't blogged anything! Yes, buddy, I am lighting a fire under your ass! You can't have a blog called "the D Spot" without putting something pretty titillating on it. Titmouse. To get more hits I am thinking of renaming my blog as:
1) free beer tomorrow
2) barely legal
3) let's make sexytime
4) i hate bush (see, that works on a couple of levels)
If anyone has any other suggestions then all this could be yours, could be yours. Ha!


Blogger Big D said...

ok, ok, I get it. I'll blog something tonight. Most likely some 'dazed and confused' ramblings but I'll give it a go. It's a big scary world (wide web) out there. I'm afraid. But hey, you say 55 hits on my empty blog? All those people looking for the D Spot. I better give em' a little sumpin sumpin.

5:21 PM  
Blogger Duder said...

Man, I just checked the D Spot and you are up to 75 visits to your profile! Good god. Your blog is a like a woman that just sits there and looks pretty. You know, like me. Yeah...

7:42 PM  
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12:20 AM  
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2:14 PM  
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3:40 PM  

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