Thursday, December 28, 2006

Kerrisdale Library

Yeah, so it's been a while. Deal with it. This having no internet thing is really a pain in the ass. I am currently sitting in the Kerrisdale Library, blogging as fast as my little fingers will allow. I feel so... exposed!
So what has happened since we chatted last. Let's see, had a couple of family dinners that were pretty fun. Finally made it down to the King's Head for some beers. For some strange reason I had it in my head that I would only stay for a couple of pints and that I would be leaving at such a time that I could catch the bus home. Yeah... one taxi ride later. It was all good though, nothing says Christmas cheer quite like screaming over the cover band playing Blue Rodeo about democracy in the Middle East. It's all good. I've actually never seen P so animated: way to go! Welcome to my world. The volume is always at 11.
What else. Amazingly I have gotten tired of NOT exercising and of eating too much. Who knew? My body has started to crave things like salad, cottage cheese and yoga. Awesome. It's like some kind of self-preservation mechanism.
Spoke to my boss today and she informed me that I have the go ahead to work 4 days a week starting in January, now I'm under all kinds of pressure to whoop it up before I go (what I consider) full time. Stupid work, always interfering with my sleep and my social life. And, as this is the way things work in my life, my former boss emailed me with a work proposition so I will be calling her in the next couple of days to see what's what. Wow, my life is just heading in all kinds of directions!
Also, I received the mark for the last course necessary in my accounting diploma: a "B". Yikes. Ah well, I ended up with a final GPA of 4.04 so I can graduate with distinction (barely) like I had hoped. I'm just glad it's over. If I ended up with a "B" then I think a lot of people didn't make it at all! What a horrid class - see, I wasn't lying!
Alright. I will have to sign off now. Sorry it wasn't funnier, but it's hard to be witty and avant garde in a library, with a bunch of people milling around (no doubt trying to discover Duder's identity!).
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


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