Tuesday, January 02, 2007

A perpetual state of UNO

So I believe I left off resolving to party hard given that I will be going to four days a week this month. And party hard I did. Let me fill you in on my first taste of the UFC. Now, I will preface this by saying that I really had no desire to watch this pay per view debacle at Darby's, yet my friends Jupitergirl and C are both staunch advocates of this sport and for the most part I tend to respect their views and decisions. So I hop the bus down to Darby's and, as I walk towards the entrance I see it: Nirvana. It was a bar entirely filled with attractive men in their twenties and thirties. Like, entirely filled. I didn't see any women. And while I was excited that I had found the hiding spot of all the attractive men in our fine city, I was unprepared to walk in alone. After confirming that C was there, I entered this delicious den of iniquity and saw men strewn everywhere like so much confetti; they were draped over the bar and sitting on the floor. Oh happy day. Then the UFC matches started, and I must admit that I had prejudged the sport: it was not as violent as I had anticipated (though Jupitergirl advised me that it normally is more bloody), and it was very well refereed. I wasn't paying as much attention as I could have though, because I was engaged in some furtive eye flirting with a cute guy across the bar. In retrospect, this attraction was probably all in my head and the guy probably thought I had some kind of weird eyeball palsy. And then he left. C later admonished that I need to actually make an attempt to talk to members of the opposite sex and, though I did not state it at the time (thank you, alcohol, for robbing me of this most excellent retort) I would like to say that no, when there are 15 men for every one woman, they can come to me. Yeah, that's right: flock to me.
The next day I decided that nothing brings a year to a close like having a needle stuck through your left nostril, so I went to get my nose pierced. I've been contemplating it for a few years and, since I didn't have any homework to worry about (!) I decided to get 'er done. I arrived and lo and behold if attractive men don't just turn up in all sorts of places. Yes, the guy that was going to mutilate my nose was quite hot. I'm not sure if it was the gentle way he applied the iodine to my nostril, or if it was the infinitely patient way he said that if I didn't like where he had placed the dot to mark where the piercing would go he would rather move it a hundred times than get it wrong. It could have been the sleeved out tatties or the curious way in which he had buttoned his shirt to the very top. Or possibly the tight jeans. In no time at all I was flat on my back. This was mostly because he told me to lie down on the table. And also cause I was still kind of tired from the night before. The piercing went smoothly, and then he took a very long time to tenderly and carefully clean off all of the iodine, his cute face scant inches from mine. As I was telling P and Big D on New Year's: "I really need...".
And then it was New Year's Eve. Jupitergirl, P and Big D came over to ring in the New Year and play games with me. Oh sure, everyone was a little leery of playing UNO, but then for the next hour the only things said were: back to you; pick up four; you suck; skip a turn; I'm going to burn your house down; ever had tabby?; it's yellow!
We counted down the final seconds of 2006, wondrous as it was, and then raised our glasses to herald in the new year. Six seconds later I said, "Well that was anticlimactic". Such good timing. And was it anticlimactic? I don't know. It was great to be with my friends for the evening, and yet where did 2006 leave me? I finished school, but I don't have a sense of closure. I am going up to four days a week at work after just turning down another job that would've looked great on my resume and paid more, but was located in White Rock. My six year relationship is in limbo. But that was last year! That was so 2006. I do believe that 2007 will help me achieve a state of constant UNO: I know where to find cute boys when a UFC match is on, and my nose jewellery may be a valuable conversation starter. Or it may somehow get caught on my scarf. The world is my oyster!


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