Wednesday, March 14, 2007

It's happening

Wow. I had just started a blog about how the mobile guy from Ralph's wasn't going to show up, but he's here. I got a call at 4pm (the scheduled appointment time) saying that the guy was running late and could we reschedule. I told him I had already taken 2 hours off work and that my car wouldn't start and that I kind of wanted it done today. Maybe it was the panic in my voice, or perhaps the anxiety, but the guy showed up 40 minutes later. I feel bad now because it's 5pm and the mobile guy is effectively working overtime. Plus I think my battery is dead because I think the car alarm has been going off since Monday, even though there is no sound. I showed him where we cut the wires. I bet he thinks that's pretty special. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to hang around and watch him. You know, I could give him all the pointers that people gave to me such as: you're not pushing the button hard enough; you need to start the car; find the red button; put the key in and lock and unlock the car; and put the key in and press the third button on the key fob. My idea - disconnect the battery - doesn't look so dumb now, does it?
Please let him fix my car. There is actually a siren in my engine for this stupid alarm. I'm going to rig it up in my apartment somewhere. Maybe soup up the fire alarm or something. No one would be asleep after Duder burns the toast! Good times.
I think this guy is about 17. Given that, I will not offer him a beer. Or sex. I asked him if there are a lot of car alarm problems that are so severe that they require a mobile unit to come out and fix it. He said no. So... pretty much it's just me. Awesome. Only I can wreck an alarm system so badly that it can only be repaired with wire cutters. And then get hit by a nun.


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