Monday, May 28, 2007

When will the drywallers come/I may get a free meal

Saturday found me curled in the fetal position thanks to overwhelming menstrual cramps. Love it. Had to cancel on Po and N which I hate doing, but it happens occasionally. It was actually a pretty low key weekend. Went out for a third date with H: we saw "Hot Fuzz". I laughed my ass off; it was as good or better than "Shaun of the Dead". I am going to be saying "by the power of Grayskull" for weeks to come.
Went into the SPCA for a little volunteer work today. I feel a bit purer in spirit when I leave there. I'm giving back, I'm volunteering, I'm not an entirely bad person. I'm helping defenseless animals for Chrissakes. And then I bumped into one of my neighbours at Safeway and had a nice chat with her. So I can be social sometimes as well. And? And? I got four boxes of cereal for five bucks. Boo yah. And it's the cereal I love too: those corn squares and the oatmeal squares. Love that shit.
Then I got home and decided to get a little laundry done. Oddly, I had been wondering about my upstairs neighbour's dinner offer. If you will refer to my earlier blog titled 'Nor is water supposed to come from my kitchen light fixture', you will recall that my neighbour had come into my suite the night that water started coming from my kitchen light fixture, and had offered me dinner to help assuage my troubles. It's gonna take a helluva lot more than dinner to assuage this girl's troubles!! Sorry, I try not to let the bitterness out, but it seeps everywhere. At any rate, I get to the laundry room and my neighbour, Joseph, is there doing laundry. We chat a little about the holes that have been punched into the drywall in our respective suites and he indicated that he was able to hide his with a bookcase. I indicated that my newest, most recent addition to the holes in my suite is about two feet by seven and good luck hiding that mother. I was kind of wondering if he would bring up dinner again, or if the original offer had been a result of my yoga pants. Behold the power of the yoga pants. I had a conversation with two gentleman at work about the allure of the yoga pants and all I could really get from them is that yoga pants are good. I asked what exactly it was that was so alluring and they responded by drooling and droning, "yeahhhhh.... yoga..... downward dog, baby". Um, okay. Thanks. Maybe I should wear my yoga pants outside the apartment sometimes.
At any rate, he did bring up the dinner again and I agreed to it. And then, because I'm socially retarded, I made a comment about getting a run in while he had the (sole) washer and dryer tied up and walked away. Brilliant. I am such a dork. So I went for my run, came home and left a message on his machine asking when he would like to have said dinner. You know, the sort of detail that I should have worked out with him when I was uh, talking to him? Yeah, he's probably given up on me already. I bet if I go up and knock on his door wearing my yoga pants I can get a lot more than dinner.


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