Saturday, May 12, 2007

I don't think water is supposed to come out of my light socket

Otay. I didn't go to work on Friday. No sir. I spent a lot of time in bed, watched a movie and then went to the park to read a book and promptly fell asleep. Yep, Friday was a kick ass day. Friday night I met up with A and JupiterGirl, who is in town for the weekend. We hung out until around 12:30 at which point I had a rendezvous with M. Platonic! Yet I must say that it is very erotic when someone sidles up to you in the morning, buries their face in your neck to "take in your scent". Hot. Oh, and I got to see him sans shirt which was quite nice.
Then I went to my cousin's wedding which was good. During the actual wedding the guy administering it used the word "love" about 6,000 times and I leaned over and vomited into my purse. But it turned out not to be my purse and I feigned ignorance. Then we went to the reception where everyone was a couple and was beautiful and my date was my brother. Sweet. Yeah, even my nana and her husband were boogeying on the dance floor. It was at that point that I bid my farewell and bailed. I congratulated my aunt on her son's marriage and she encouraged me to stay, indicating that she could introduce me to some men but... yeah... I should've stayed.
Came home. Water is coming out of one of my light fixtures. Called the emergency number for the landlord and some guy for whom English is not a first language called back to try and assess the situation over the phone. I explained that no, water was not spraying out of the wall, but the problem had escalated from me hearing a dripping sound within the wall at around 2pm today, to water leaking out of the light switch at 11pm. Um, I don't know a whole lot about plumbing, but I do know that leaks don't "get better". Nevertheless, he said he would have a plumber give me a call tomorrow morning. Sweet.
I did talk to M this evening. He is heading to Whistler tomorrow but said he would call. I hope I get to see him a bit before he goes because he will be away for the long weekend. I'm kind of falling for the guy. I told him that I couldn't have children last night and it didn't scare him off. Or maybe it did and now we will begin the process whereby my phonecalls don't get returned.
I just want water to stop coming out of my light switch. And, well, I guess I'd like to see M without his shirt again.


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