Thursday, May 10, 2007

No more t.v.

Last night, after managing to down four glasses of wine at the Beagle by 8:30pm, I returned home to find that Shaw has finally cut my cable. It's gone. No more t.v. And it only took them five and a half months to come and do it!
I don't really care. I gave up on Lost last week, right in the middle of an episode. I was sitting there watching it and I just went, "no, I cannot do this any longer", stood up and shut it off. A couple of people insinuated that I would be back, but I proved them wrong. And with weather like this? Wow. This girl is going to be spending a lot of evenings in the park reading.
And I will always fondly remember my last t.v. watching experience because it was with M. We held hands as we watched Family Guy and American Dad. Awwww... insert sappy Hallmark card and swelling violin music here.


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