Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Goodbye, Facebook, and good riddance. Like I need to belong to another internet site. I am sad that I never uploaded a picture of my robots holding hands at work, and of my toe that has been totally decimated from running too much with shoes that don't seem to fit exactly right. Where do I carry my excess weight, you ask? Clearly in my toes. The fat bastards. My father even exclaimed once "Look at those chubby things!". Thanks Dad. He also touched my brother on the top of the head with a wand once and said, "Poof, you're a pile of shit", so I've learned to take a lot of what he says with a grain of salt.
In other news. Two job opportunities on the go. We'll see what pans out.
I'm running lots, in training for the Okanagan International Marathon in October. I have to run five times a week. Five is a lot. Heretofore if I had squeezed in three workouts a week I was a happy camper. My first running clinic is tomorrow and I am afraid that I will be the slowest and ugliest of the lot (it's being held in Kits: land of the beautiful, fit people). I suppose I should start shaving my legs.
Lastly, I feel like I have something stuck in my eye, so I keep jabbing my finger into it. That is definitely making the situation better. I will likely be blind in one eye by noon.


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