Wednesday, June 06, 2007


I bought an iPod Shuffle. It is really tiny and it clips to your clothing and it can hold 240 songs. I know this to be true, because I put approximately 200 songs on it last night. You know what would be funny? Clipping it to someone’s genitals. Perhaps my upstairs neighbor would make a good candidate.
What else is shaking. Oh! Man, they are starting to reno our building! I came home last night to find they had painted all the hallways. Plus they have installed a couple of nice light fixtures in the entrance to the building, which is a welcome change to the freakin’ hole that had been punched there to work the electrical through to illuminate the nice FLOURESCENT TUBE with no covering. That was class. They still haven’t fixed the hole in my wall yet, and I’m actually starting to forget it exists. It’s amazing what you can get used to. I didn’t think I would so quickly becoming blasé about a three foot by six foot hole showcasing copper piping and a stud.
Not a lot on the go right now. JupiterGirl is coming to down this weekend so I get to see her: it’s been like six weeks since I’ve seen her! Plus she is bringing her man, so I get to meet him which I’m pretty excited about. I can just see it now. Him, “so, you’re the neurotic blogger whose life is in shambles”. Me, “yes! It’s so nice to meet you!”.
Had an interesting chat with Po about when to broach the exclusivity subject in a relationship, and how long is appropriate to wait before having sex. It’s like preparing for battle. The womenfolk are huddled and furtively whispering about which date night will be THE date night and the men are out swilling beer with their compatriots bellowing about the frigidity of the women. Somehow we are supposed to walk a line between virgin and whore, casual dating and exclusivity, monogamy and polygamy, lust and intimacy. Not an easy task.
On the subject of tasks that are not facile: I am having sushi with H tonight. I will not make any claim about anything. I have no idea what is going to happen. My head hurts. I have too many questions. I do think that the fact that it will be sixth time that we have gotten together and it has already reached a level of utter consternation is telling. That, plus my surprise that he’s never attempted to hold my hand while being somewhat unsure as to why we didn’t sleep together on Friday night. It’s not a line in the sand, it’s a trench. Moreover, the whole thing is exhausting and it cuts into my lying-on-the-floor-listening-to-music-while-drinking-Spanish-red-wine-and-eating-crackers-and-hummus-time. That’s my favorite time.


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