Tuesday, June 26, 2007

I'm a shit

Worked today. Came home and ran 7k. Hopped in the shower and met up with H. He seemed pretty happy to see me. He's a nice guy. He's quite attractive and very smart. Great sense of humour. Okay, then we went for a walk and I ended it with him. It took me about an hour to get up the nerve to do it. It was awful. I hope it was more awful for me than it was for him. It's like you're rejecting someone's personality. You're rejecting them. It's horrid. I know: I've been rejected. He was very good about it. He said that he had been having a really good time and that he was disappointed. I was too mortified to talk for a very long period of time. I hope he meets someone that makes him happy. I actually hope that we can end up being friends, but I don't think that I have a right to ask him for that.
In other news, I'm considering Catholicism, since I have a terrific guilt complex. I'm looking forward to visiting JupiterGirl in Victoria over the weekend. I'm kind of looking forward to getting razzed by my fellow runners in my group on Thursday. I'm really looking forward to having a couple of beer's at A's dragonboat charity at Bimini's on Friday.
Mostly though? I'm looking forward to doing my own thing for a while. And if H can eventually forgive me and we can be friends, then that would be the icing on this girl's cake.


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