Monday, June 18, 2007

The fawning has started

Today I got an email from H expressing what a great time he had with me this weekend. It begins. I smiled a small, secret smile. My day got even better when the hot SPCA guy pulled an Earl Grey tea packet out for me, in anticipation of my tea needs. And yes, he is in a relationship. With a girl at the SPCA. Who has cute hair and great fashion sense. Damnit. I knew my Sears brand t-shirts weren't up to muster.
On the job front: one offer is gone - it was only for two or three days a week. I need to eat! And now that I'm running five days a week (okay, okay, so far only four) I need to eat a lot! The other job offer will be put forth in writing tomorrow, so I shall mull it over. It will be sad to leave my current job. I love my coworkers - they're essentially the reason that I go to work. They think all the boys that don't want to date me are dumb, and they get all excited when I wear my boots to work. It makes a girl feel saucy.
Returned from the SPCA and subjected myself to a 19k run out to UBC and back. Kick ass. My toe is doing quite a bit better as you can tell (clearly) from the photo. Um, a key point would be to EAT something substantial before embarking on this. At kilometre 16 I considered walking the rest of the way, and possibly selling myself for some Gatorade or a Powerbar, but I pulled through. Boo yeah. Then I came home and made a gigantic hamburger resplendent with onions, cheese and avocado. Yes! Avocado. It. Was. So. Good.
Then I talked to Michael for a bit and told him how the landlords had painted the doors in the common areas. The doors are quite cool: they are wood with opaque glass (the kind that shows up as the entrance to some private dick's office in the 40's). So they painted the wood. I hate when people do that. Debbie Travis paints all wood white. So I'm talking to Michael and I'm saying "you know how I feel about wood" and he's half asleep going, "uh huh" and I'm determined and I say forcefully "I love wood!". It was funny. Made funnier by the glass of wine I've had.
And, to return to the fawning story: I got a phone call from H! The guy that does not make phone calls. He was drunk, though if he had not confessed this to me, I would not have been able to discern it. He was very articulate. The thing that was a bit off? He seemed pretty happy. I think he may be a closet optimist. Yeah, he was bordering on chatty. It was so freakin' hilarious. And he was so agreeable: what day did I want to get together? He (carless) would come and see me because he wanted to make sure the travelling was equitable. This from the guy that told me that life was "bearable" on Saturday night. Methinks he secretly wants to hold my hand and skip along the beach with yours truly. He wants a re-match, so I am going to pay a visit to him tomorrow night. I assume he meant a re-match at chess...


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