Sunday, June 17, 2007

Not sleeping (and having cake for lunch) is awesome

I went for my run Saturday. Suck it. I did not, however, go for my run today. This would be because I got about two hours sleep last night. Yes, allow me to recap.
Saturday I slept in rather late. Went for the aforementioned run, had a couple of very lengthy conversations with Michael and my dad. Then H came over. We chatted a bit, ordered dinner, had some really great wine. Then I beat him at chess. Yeah, I'm a sore winner. You have your Masters in what? What's the meaning of life now, bitch?? Kidding. Sort of. I was pretty proud of myself given that had I had lost THREE online chess games and they had been set to "easy". Insert joke about my sexual repertoire here.
So after a while I make the offer: did he want to stay over. He replies that that would be lovely, but that he had forgotten condoms when he left his place. Great. It's 11:20 on a Saturday night. I said we could postpone it... yeah, what was I thinking. Is there a man on the planet that is going to postpone sex? The Shoppers on Dunbar was open late, so we went there. He came back with condoms, but more importantly: winegums.
Yadda yadda yadda... Greek men are hot and he's been well schooled. And takes suggestions to heart. And doesn't snore. And has really cool hair.
Nonetheless, I did not sleep well last night. It's hard when your bed is "empty" for so long and then someone is in it. He didn't do anything like hog the bed or fidget, but I still had a hard time fitting in some z's. I had this crazy dream about my brother in which he did something that made me laugh my ass off. I guess I had dozed off at this point, but the hilarity in my dream had reached epic levels and I started laughing in my sleep. At which point H thought I was awake and inquired what was so funny. Thereby waking me up again. Damnit.
Greek men are also fun to wake up to.
At noon we went to Starbucks for some coffee and breakfast. I dropped him off at work and went to see Michael who seemed to know intuitively that I had had a sleepover. I really love talking about my romantic life with my ex of six years. No awkwardness there at all. I had cake for lunch. I have no idea why he continues to be my friend.
Came home, decided I was too exhausted to go for a run. The half marathon that I have to run in ONE WEEK is going to kill me, let alone the full marathon. This training shit really cuts into my drinking, eating and sex life. I need to multitask and find a way to eat, drink and have sex simultaneously and still get to bed by 9.
Went over to H's place around 7. We watched some Britcoms. I love the Brits. They have horrible teeth, but are really fucking funny. The offer to stay over was extended. I declined. I have a blog to write, and I can't handle another night of not sleeping.
We'll see. I'm STILL on the fence. I guess I'm kind of accustomed to being fawned over more. H isn't a big fawner. Fawn, damnit. I'm not emailing or calling him. Flock to me. And if you don't flock, so be it. I can download Britcoms all on my own. I can do a lot of things all on my own.
Now I'm going to go to sleep. On my own.


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