Saturday, June 16, 2007

I'm gonna hurt tomorrow

Today. Yeah, started at freakin' 7am thanks to the asshole powerwashers across the street. Why in the shit goddamn Jesus hell does something like this always happen when I book a day off? Assholes! At 8am I drag my ass out of bed and start about getting ready for my interview at 10am. They love me. What's not to love?
Then I went to get some new running shoes, since the ones I currently have don't accommodate my overweight toes. I actually removed my shoes, showed the guy at the Running Room my gangrenous and infected baby toe and said, "I'm looking for a shoe that can help to alleviate this particular situation". After he finished vomiting into a waste basket and trying to convince me to go see a specialist, he helped me pick out some shoes.
I was excited about the shoe purchase. I fully planned to go home, have some lunch and get in a 10k. Instead I napped. That was cool, too.
Then I met up with Po and N at the Cat's Meow on Granville Island. We proceeded to the Backstage Lounge for the CD release party of SuperTonic and I got to meet one of N's POF guys: super nice fella. The music.... hmmmm... it was, at various points, similar to Matchbox 20 and other rock/pop acts that I've heard. The music was tight, the guitarist was very adept and the singer was awesome on the african drums, but it was a bit whitebread. Sorry, I had to come out and say it. It was a bit vanilla and banal for me. For what it was, it was very well done and I really enjoyed the cougars in the tight pants that threw their underwear on stage and gyrated in a fashion that made me feel old. I also liked the guy that looked like Napoleon Dynamite who engaged in a dance-off with a muffin-top girl whereby they mimicked starting a pull lawnmower. Um, am I uptight?
But it was fun. I love hearing live music: I think it's my new bag. I recommend SuperTonic to anyone that is a big rock/pop fan: they put on a great show and were really into their craft. When I left, shortly after midnight, the singer was having a really in depth conversation with a couple of girls in their early twenties who were likely asking him for bongo lessons. Cough.
The reality of the whole situation is that it's closing in on 1am. I have to run on Saturday and Sunday because I didn't run today. Tomorrow's run is going to suck ass. I think I may puke somewhere along the route.
H is coming over for dinner and chess at 6. So there's that to consider. I've decided to shave my legs.


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