Thursday, July 05, 2007


Still content. Even smiled a bit on the bus in today. I think I may be sick. It's been a rather crazy week of self-assessment, re-evaluations and lack of sleep. I put my sugar in the fridge this morning.
The kind of funny thing that has happened since I have accepted and embraced my recent singleness? My upstairs neighbour (the guy who invited me over for dinner twice) has returned. I cannot wait to bump into him in the laundry room. Granted, he was away for roughly a month. We'll see what, if anything, he has to say for himself. Again, still looking for a free meal.
Funny incident number two? The infamous B is back in town. Would "love" to see me for dinner. Bring it. I have to laugh, what else can I do? I have this grand design whereby I will show up in some slinky dress, all fit and tanned and flirt with him relentlessly. And then go home with the waiter. In all likelihood I will end up going home with B instead. Yeah, I know enough about myself to have figured that out by now.
I know. Maybe when I bump into the upstairs neighbour and he invites me again for dinner I will show up with B. No, wait, I will tell B to meet me there, and then I won't show up! Excellent.
Lastly, C was moaning about how I underestimate him (in a film related sense) last night. I had rented "Igby Goes Down" and assumed he would not want to watch it. Fine. I am always looking for someone with which to expand my cinematic boundaries. I've been meaning to re-rent "Mulholland Drive", but I guess that would be cruel to propose as our first foray. So yeah, I'm totally going to make him watch "Lost in Translation" with me. If he survives that, we can try something with subtitles.


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