Friday, April 20, 2007

The bus lineup

You don’t butt in line at the grocery store. Or in a movie line up. You don’t interject your body in front of some else’s when they are waiting to rent a movie, purchase produce or pick up some Wyndham Estate Bin 555. So why would you take the position of precedence at a bus stop, when two other (hot, young) women were there first? It happened this morning… again! This older man simply arrives at the stoop, regards us, and ensures he is the first on the bus. A few months ago this would have irked me a little less, because there always seemed to be an abundance of seats in which to slot my fine behind, however due to somethingorother (sky rocketing gas prices, construction downtown, concern for the environment, the desire to ride with one’s fellow proletariats), seating has become slightly scarce. I suppose I should not be surprised: assholes abound. And yet I am always puzzled when seemingly normal people do jerky things.
Surprisingly (not surprisingly?) this is not the first faux pas this gentleman has committed. The last time he butted to the front of the line, his act prior to this was the equivalent of an open-handed smack in the mouth to me. I was actually so offended that I resolved that, should he do it again in my presence, I would certainly comment on it. Here is what he did: upon arriving at the bus stop, he liberated a Georgia Straight from a nearby dispenser. I thought, okay, it’s reading material for the bus. He then proceeded to flip through it for a maximum of two minutes before dropping it in the garbage can at the bus stop. It was so unsullied that he actually could have put it back into the box and no one would be the wiser. Conversely, he could have carried it with him to his place of employ and recycled it there. Maybe five years ago I wouldn’t have noticed this, but it really is inexcusable in this day in age. I’m not purporting that I am some great, considerate, empathetic environmentalist who is totally self-aware, but come on. Some things are basic. Don’t touch my computer monitor. Cover your mouth when you’re coughing on the bus. Don’t chew gum with your mouth open. Boycott Ted Nugent ( and CNN.
I have a date tonight. I am going to the Naam and I am going to eat vegetarian stuff and wear my CBC shirt. There will likely be a lengthy line. I will wait patiently.


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