Wednesday, April 11, 2007

A spectacle

I got my glasses back. Yep. I also discovered I am masochistic. Who knew?
Today is going to be a good day. Going to go for a run to help alleviate the insane feelings of guilt I have due to devouring what likely amounted to an entire pig over the weekend. Then I am going to meet JupiterGirl for coffee. I am sad because she will be moving soon. And I am helping. So really I am sad because I will have to help her move soon. Just kidding! I’m sure once we have her firmly ensconced in her new apartment we will get into all sorts of trouble that will illicit comments like “we’re from Newfoundland!” from passersby. Additionally, I love Victoria and will jump at the chance to go crash at her place for the odd weekend.
Speaking of the island: I am due for a trip to see S and D’s new house in Nanaimo this weekend. They were kind enough to invite me to their housewarming party which will be fun since I am looking forward to their company again, and it will render me incapable of doing the Sun Run. Soooo sad about the Sun Run. I guess if I was a real keener I could rein it in on Saturday, catch the last ferry home on Saturday night and make the run on Sunday morning, but I am a lot of things… and a keener is not one of them.
I told S that I would be bringing my new camera to take pics of them, their son and their house. I actually have quite a repertoire of images on my camera now: what the hell am I supposed to do with them? Can I just take my camera into London Drugs, point and grunt and leave them to figure it out? Digital cameras are rad: you can delete the photos you don’t like right after you take them. Also, you can delete all the photos that your brother appears in. Kidding again.
I’m also excited to say that I am taking Friday off. I am due to report for my first volunteer shift at the SPCA on Monday and the idea of a simple two day weekend is too much for me. I have things to do! I need to get my hair done! I must sleep in! I need to read and wander aimlessly around my neighborhood! This cannot be accomplished if I have to volunteer on Monday. Maybe I should go back to a three day work week… sigh. Life is rough.


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