Friday, April 13, 2007

I'm mellow again

Yeah. It's a good day. I'm not at work today: took the day off to gear up for what will no doubt be a whirlwind weekend in Nanaimo. I have been informed that there may be upwards of twenty people at S and D's housewarming BBQ tomorrow. I am looking forward to brushing up on my social skills (to be read as: having a couple of glasses of wine and trying to make eye contact with other adults instead of staring at my feet in the corner). I am also looking forward to being away for a while. Sometimes it's nice to get out of dodge.
Last night was a good night. Got home, ran from my apartment to 10th and Imperial. I was going to ask C to join me since, when we're in the cups, we always like to talk about how fit we are and how we should do a run together. Nevertheless he, like the majority of Vancouverites, was tired and perhaps slightly hungover because the Canucks game went into four overtime periods. I, being the rational bandwagon jumper I am, skipped the game and watched a fantastic movie called "Wonderboys" and went to bed at 11pm. I highly recommend this movie. At any rate, after the run I met up with my friend L at the Cheese and drank some wine and ate some bruschetta. Normally I hate the Cheese, but the waitress was nice, the bruschetta was awesome and I found a nice Spanish Grenache that turned my crank. To the tune of three glasses.
I did manage to get to the gym today, so I am pretty proud of myself. I don't know. I'm a bit mellow and scattered today as the wine wasn't the only think I got into last night, but it's all good. I feel very calm and relaxed. My anxiety and my various neuroses are temporarily at bay. I'm looking forward to getting my hair done tonight. Maybe I will get another erotic head rub from the hot boy toy there. Luscious. Then I am going to go home, pack, chill and contemplate writing.
Alrighty. Guess I should head on out. Wonderboys: rent it. Very good.


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