Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Yep. I think in some small ways I am maturing somewhat. Starting to ask questions that are a little more relevant, a little more exploratory. Why do I allow my feelings of self worth to be influenced by people that don’t even know me? All my friends know and love me (or so they tell me), so that should be sufficient. I think I’m a decent, good person: that should definitely be sufficient. And so it shall be sufficient.
I am going to take down my POF profile this week. I have come to this conclusion based on two trains of thought: 1) it is somewhat of a popularity contest (and I have never been adept at winning those – though I could totally win a sarcasm contest any day) and 2) when it’s supposed to happen it’ll happen. Oh yeah, I still need to work on my human interaction skills since I’ve fallen off the “let’s try and make eye contact and smile at people” bandwagon. What? My face was starting to hurt from all the insincere grinning. I do have a nice repoire with my bus driver now though.
What else. I’m really enjoying Chekhov: Ward 6 and Ariadne were both great stories about human nature, human foibles, perceptions, misconceptions, elitism and –to some degree – feminism. My book is going to be about unicorns and rainbows.
I wish I had more interesting things to blog about, but I really don’t. I dropped a fork between the counter and the fridge and I can’t fetch it. I didn’t necessarily try very hard, so maybe I will endeavor to fish it out this weekend. My boss’s children came in and played with my robots yesterday. It appears I still have issues with sharing my toys. I received a notification that my modem from Telus has arrived and I can pick it up at the post office today. Ironically, the unsecured network that I have been hijacking to get online when I’m at home has been surprisingly fast and solid (which is why you have been receiving one email from me instead of three, and blogs are being posted once instead of four times). Ah well. It’s similar to my haircutting scenario: my hair never looks as good as the day that I go to get it cut. It’s like it’s trying to behave for fear of being lopped off (I’m sure there is a good Bobbit joke there).
Well, I guess I should get to it. Yep.


Blogger Big D said...

I'll retreive your fork if you fix my ironing board. The little lever to close it fell off and I have tried 3 times with no success to put it back. I can't close it, I've now thrown a couch throw over it and pretend it is a dining table. Each successive time being more prepared, psyched out and motivated, only to end in frustration and aother fist whole in the wall. I even drove a friend to the brink by having him try it. But wait. I do have a friend who is an engineer....

One more failed attempt and there will an ironing board at the bottom of the pool. So yea, to quote the Boomtown Rats. "Nothing happened today"

10:40 AM  
Blogger Big D said...

Hole, hole. See, I can spell

10:41 AM  

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