Thursday, March 29, 2007

I am alive

Yeah. This audit is kicking my ass. But it has not sufficiently taken the wind out of my sails enough so that I will not voice my most recent complaint: sick people on the bus. Like “people blinkers” there should be a “sick bus”. This bus should come online at about this time each year and people that have the urge to repetitively clear their throat in 60 second intervals, with dry and hacking coughs, with snotty noses and a seeming inability to operate a goddamn Kleenex, should be shepherded on to this bus to leave those of us who are trying to have erotic daydreams alone. This is me at 8:15 this morning, half asleep and enjoying the sun and scenery as my bus rockets over the Granville Street bridge… “he thrust his throbbing-” hack, hack, ahem…. STOP IT. Just stop it. And it was like right behind me, practically on my shoulder and you just know that they’re not covering their mouths.
What else is going on? Um, a bug landed on my neck when I was out for a run on Monday. When I got home and felt something crawling on my neck I pawed at it, causing the bug to bite me (and me to subsequently kill the bug). I was a little perturbed that I had been bitten because a) it hurt and b) how many bitey bugs are there in Vancouver? I didn’t think a lot! Here is the reply I got from my mother upon hearing this story: “You should have kept the bug in case you have a reaction; that way the doctor’s will be able to better diagnose and treat it.” And here is Michael’s reaction: “Do you have any super powers now?”. I said “yeah, sure, if you consider narcolepsy a super power”.
And lastly, I have had two donuts in as many days. I love donuts. Normally I would feel guilty about the caloric (and fat) consumption, but the great thing about running ragged, not being home and averaging five or six hours of sleep a night is that you lose weight. I think I am going to deep fry my dinner tonight.


Blogger Big D said...

Been waiting for a blog entry. Good thing the bug bit you before you watched Lost. If it were me I'd surely have a little freak-out fit, start ripping my shirt off to make sure it didn't crawl down my collar all the while screaming in a very sexy masculine kida way... OK, more like Mariah Carey actually.

1:40 PM  

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