Sunday, April 22, 2007

The pond is small

I had my date on Friday night. It went pretty well: we met up at 8pm and chatted amicably about many things including - but not limited to - my desire to be the Prime Minister of Canada and the religion that I'm going to create. I am lucky he had a great sense of humor. We then wandered around Kits and I got home around midnight. While he was a great conversationalist, was wickedly funny and was quite intellectual, I didn't feel that spark so I decided I didn't see much of a future. I got the impression that he was pretty in to me however. My impression may be wrong though, since he hasn't emailed or called since our date. Maybe he's starting canvassing various districts to drum up support for my ascension to power. Perhaps the fact that I was a bit brusque when I dropped him off (brusque meaning that I kind of slowed to a roll, pushed him out of my car and peeled away) turned him off. I don't like the end of the evening to kiss or not to kiss scenario. Even if I had found him wildly attractive I wouldn't have kissed him. I mean, the concept of kissing a guy that you've known for all of four hours is just a bit weird. But sleeping with a guy that you've known for three weeks is perfectly acceptable. Shut up.
Saturday morning I met up with a friend that I realized I see far too rarely: she is really fun to be around. I encouraged her to get on to Plenty of Fish. Cause my experiences have been so stellar? I guess more because misery loves company.
Michael came over later and we watched the debacle that was the hockey game, before going to see some real entertainment at the Jazz Cellar. Another enjoyable evening. The Jazz Cellar is rapidly becoming one of my favourite places. The keyboard player looked amazingly like Kevin Kline and the drummer was hot. What's with me and drummers? Oh, and they did a jazz rendition of the Hip's "Ahead by a Century". Um, no. No, no, no. I think I may have to listen to the original to get the residual bad taste out of my mouth. Other than it was very enjoyable.
Today I met up with Po and N for brunch in Kits. We are all on POF so we regaled each other with horror stories. It's fun to compare stories and decide whose self esteem has been the most decimated since we chatted last. I've worked myself into a nice groove of apathy interspersed with random spurts of hopefulness. N is in what appears to be a vanilla holding pattern. Po seems to be relatively smitten with a fellow she has met on the site but, having seen the fun crash and burn scenario betwixt me and B, is trying to take it slowly. Good times, good times.
After brunch we decided to take a stroll to Granville Island. I started to talk a little bit more about my Friday night date, and happened to mention the gentleman's name. Yep. It would seem that N also went out a couple of times with this guy. Funtime awkward quasi-incestuous moment! We all resolved to advise one another of the names and locations of the men that we are going on dates with in the future. Yessir.
We shopped around a bit at Granville Island and Po bought some pens. They are called def tone pens. They were red. I think they are for people that are tone deaf and color blind. I'm not sure what the deal was there. Sometimes she scares me a little.
Because I had burned off like 50 of the 10,000 calories from my breakfast, I enjoyed some gelato with Po and N who briefly contemplated disowning me when I confessed I was a gelato virgin. I like gelato. I may become a gelato whore.
N had to leave us to go to a one year old's birthday party. I encouraged her to make some friends her own age. Then Po and I headed back and had a discussion about fish tacos and the status of her leg (which was broken and now is mending). I feigned interest in her recovery as hot men jogged by. Ah, spring.
I may have another date with another POFer this week. I told N and Po and his name and neither of them have dated him. Yet. Whew.


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