Thursday, June 28, 2007

More whingeing

So I still feel like a jerk for breaking up with H. I really am uncomfortable with upsetting people. I guess this makes me a caring individual. It has surprised me. I'm kind of in a funk about the whole thing. Last night I sent him an email telling him that I did really enjoy his company and that I would still like him to be a part of my life, though I realized it was callous of me even to ask. I said that if he didn't want to reply to the email that I would understand, but that I would leave the proverbial ball in his court. He has not yet replied. Which makes me feel even worse. Oh well, he's getting the last laugh by rejecting my offer of friendship. I don't think I would want to be friends with me either. I just want everyone to love and hug each other, but I guess that doesn't happen in real life.

In less complicated news, went for coffee with a couple of coworkers today. I had bought some Trident gum earlier in the day and M said (very a la Seinfeld), "I'm not such a big fan of the Trident, I prefer the Extra". To which I replied, "I like the Trident. The Trident is a solid gum, though the Extra has its positive points too". He said, "The Trident doesn't have any staying power. I need the staying power". I just about fell off my chair laughing. It was such a juvenile thing, and possibly I was overtired, but it just slayed me. It took my coworkers a good ten or twenty seconds to figure out why tears were streaming from my eyes. Staying power. Yeah, that's gonna be the least of my worries for the next little while. I must say I will also miss sex with H, he was most attentive and creative.
Not much else going on. Went to my running clinic after contemplating skipping it. Brutal menstrual cramps. Tried to weasel out by luring my friend C with the promise of drinks, but he had plans. His email to me (which I'm going to assume came via Blackberry) was something like, "You should go to your climic, your kicking ass th3se day". Um, don't tell me what to do. Alright, his spelling wasn't that bad, but he is right that I'm kicking ass. In fact, I kicked someone's ass on the bus this morning and when they turned to look at me I was like, "what?". I had also emailed my running instructor to tell him I was "under the weather" and that I wouldn't likely make it. He emailed back that he wanted me to come because he wanted to get photos of everyone. He said I should wear matching underwear and meet him at his apartment at 9pm, which I found strange. And also appealing, apparently. I went. He took a group photo. I got tricked into running a 10k when it was only supposed to be 8k (I made the mistake of following some really athletic people: bastards). My French Canadian future lover wasn't there. I bet he's got all kinds of staying power.


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