Monday, March 19, 2007


Today, today, today. I got up and went for a run. What crappy weather. Note to self: waterlogged fleece is exceptionally heavy. I bandaged my right baby toe because of it's overall fatness and ability to get blistered and calloused. Examining later this evening I realize it's really quite a mess. A bad case of gangrene would really piss me off right about now.
Took the beast in for an estimate today. I will get it fixed next Monday: if I can bring it in at 8am they will be able to do it in a day. My mom said "oh, so you took it to one of the big companies?". I took it to Craftsman Collision. Apparently that was wrong. Oh well, I'm already going to hell for masturbating, coveting my neighbour, not respecting my elders and killing someone. Just kidding: I don't think the guy actually died.
Managed to piss off one of my closest friends and get shunned by both parents. I love it when they work together to work you over. I can just see the conversation:
Mom: "Duder said that I need to be more 'supportive' of her and not criticize her so much."
Dad: "Well, what prompted that?"
Mom: "Oh, well I had just finished telling her that she was a poor judge of character."
Dad: "Really? What was that based on?"
Mom: "Oh you know, decisions she made when she was nineteen and had low self esteem because we constantly derided her throughout her childhood."
Dad: "Right. Like when we made her drop out of piano because we didn't think she was giving it her all?"
Mom: "Exactly. And akin to how we would always compare her to Carrie and point out her shortcomings, like how Carrie looked really good in shorts and had such nice flowing hair."
Dad: "Do you think she might've been upset when her brother called her a dyke when she cut her hair off that time?"
Mom: "No, I really don't think that any of this negativity has had any impact on her psyche at all."
Dad: "You don't think she blogs about any of this, do you?"
Mom: "No, I think she's too stupid to put it all together. At least I hope she is because I don't want to be responsible for her psychiatrist bills."
Sweet. I'm laughing on the inside.
I'm still pretty happy with my duvet cover, though.


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