Sunday, March 18, 2007

My new duvet cover

And thus another weekend comes, sadly, to a close. Oh no wait, I don’t have to work tomorrow: suckas. So, I shall recap my weekend for you, because I know you want it. You dirty whores.
On Friday I met up with L at the Cheshire. I hadn’t seen her for echelons, so we had a lot of catching up to do. It was busy. We chatted and drank. Life is good. We may go to Vegas.
On Saturday I drove to North Vancouver to see a movie with Michael. We saw “The Lives of Others”. I highly, highly recommend this movie. I cried. I never cry. I punch people in the shoulder, I finger hummers, I adhere to the five second rule when food falls on the floor, but I do not cry. Super good movie. Michael was doubly happy because he got Nibs. What the hell are Nibs? How can something that has “wax” as an ingredient be so tasty? After grabbing a light lunch with Michael (light because we had consumed an unhealthy amount of popcorn during the flick) I jumped in the car (which works!) and headed back to Kerrisdale because… B was coming over!
He showed up around 8, we had a late repast and he liked my apartment. I do have a nice apartment: I am lucky. I have to give kudos to P, because she is responsible for half of the art that I have, so my apartment would be a lot less stellar without it.
So dinner was good, it was mostly shop talk. We then retired to the living room to play chess. I’m pretty sure he let me win because he felt so bad for beating me mercilessly at Scrabble. Then we did what we appear to do best: analyze things. It’s really weird to meet someone as analytical as me. The plus side is that we’re both very communicative and so we’re able to deduce why we do or act in certain ways and then share that information with each other in the hopes of getting a better insight into how we “tick”. Then… some time passed… ahem… and he left around midnight. Insert shit-eating grin here. He said he would call me the next morning.
He called me the next morning and said he had had a really good time. I concurred. Then I called P and we went to Sophie’s for breakfast. You know, at 1pm. I had pancakes. You know what’s a bad idea? Having pancakes with loads of syrup and three coffees at 1pm. Buzzed much? So we jittered up and down 4th and I bought a new duvet cover and fitted sheet at Bed. P got some pillow covers with an anime design on them and some cool shoes. We had fun, I was in a good mood.
I came home, talked to some people, did some laundry and enjoyed my duvet cover. I know it’s just an object, but I really like it, hence the pic. I like the colors, I like the pattern. It doesn’t take a psychology major to connect the dots that were: me discovering that one of my existing fitted sheets was so worn as to have a hole in it; me getting new bedding; me throwing away the old, tired fitted sheet; me installing new bedding in my boudoir. Fresh. Clean. New and exciting!
I had an interesting and lengthy conversation with the POF guy (let’s call him “D”) that I had spoken to while killing time at Sip on Thursday night. I had given him my blog address and was very flattered to learn he had “mortgaged his house” paying for an internet connection at Starbucks while reading the blog. He seemed to find it enjoyable. This pleased me immensely. He is writing a book and we discussed the background of a couple of the characters as he tried to decide just how tragic their lives should be. It was a bit like playing God. Is it wrong to enjoy that kind of thing?
Then B called later in the evening to say that he had been thinking about me today and was looking forward to seeing me soon. I will interject here that we were not “intimate”. No articles of clothing were removed. It was all very PG. I was actually in the middle of some rather cathartic writing when he called so he kept the call brief. He’s hot and considerate. Damn.
And now it’s 10pm and I’m sitting on my new duvet, wondering what to do with my most recent (albeit cliché: oh, a girl with an eating disorder, haven’t seen that before) short story. Hey, it’s garbage but it’s a start. It felt good to get it out. I’ll consider it the launching pad to bigger and better things.
Yeah. So that was about it. It was a good weekend. It most definitely exceeded my expectations. I’m happy. I’m allowing myself to be happy. I feel good about things. I’m excited to start writing again. Cool. I really dig this duvet.


Blogger Big D said...

And still happy. It just keeps going and going and going and....

2:56 PM  

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