Friday, March 16, 2007

The thing about blogs...

Huh. I wonder if my car has been stolen? Anyways, onto the other excitable area of my life: dating. Last night I met up with P at Sip on Granville. We chatted a bit about a fellow that she had met the previous weekend, and commented on the correlation between the escalation in his alcohol consumption and the frequency of his phone calls to her. Hmmm… I’m not one to give relationship advice (though I do anyways), but it seemed a bit fishy. But, because we’re all coming from different places and we all think and operate in different manners, I agreed that she should try and get together with him again, to develop a more rounded impression. Then her boss called and let P know that she had to come back to work. Fun! I don’t think I have ever seen such a small person each such a large hamburger so quickly. Wow. P felt pretty bad, and I felt pretty bad for P, but such is life. I am used to the people that I love working much more than I. I stayed on, by myself, at the bar and had another glass of wine. I talked to a fellow POF member that commented that it sounded like someone was screaming in the background. Sadly, it was the music. I talked to Michael. Some old, drunk guy thought I was trying to talk to him. Ew.
Then I packed up my stuff and walked over to the West End to meet up with B. He had said to come by “’round 8”. I showed up at 7:59. He showed up at 8:20. Sigh. Again, he had just come from work. Why does everyone work so much? Needless to say I was less than thrilled at having to camp out on his doorstep in the cold and rain whilst waiting. He was upset at having made me wait. We got to his apartment and I asked if he wanted me to stay or if he wanted a little downtime. He could tell I was disgruntled. He said he preferred that I stayed. We had tea and played Scrabble. He kicked my ass by about 100 points. He used the word “heme”. I didn’t know that was a word, but it is. During a couple of turns I had no vowels: I hate that. Also, “vete” is not a word. Damnit. Then we listened to some music, chatted a bit and I think I finally reached a level of almost pure comfortableness with him. Way to relax, Duder! It was nice.
At some point during the evening he expressed an interest in my blog. I said I couldn’t give him the address. He insinuated that I had written negative things about him on the blog. I concurred. I told him I would give him the address in a year. He said he would try and find it on blogspot. I tested how difficult it was to find using the search function using key words and – not so difficult. So then the question becomes: do you temper your blogs when you know people will be reading them? I could even have gone back and deleted some of the negative entries. But, like the picture of Michael and I at the company picnic from a couple of summers ago: that was a point in time. That was how I looked then. That was the headspace I was in. That was what I was thinking. And I’ve never purported to know what he was thinking: he could have his own blog where he refers to me as a frigid, distant bitch, and I suppose that he would be entitled to that thought. So it’s kind of weird. If he did find the blog he might be mad. Or, he might gain a better insight into the way my mind works. That could be a bad thing.
Anyways, that’s where that stands. Aside from the lateness, I had a really good time last night. I think he did too. Does that trump the negative diatribes of prior blogs? I guess we will see.
My car better be there tomorrow.


Blogger Big D said...

'had a really good time last night'

STILL HAPPY! Yea for Duder.

2:54 PM  

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