Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Getting into the groove

Today was a pretty good day. It was a bad hair day, due to the rain, but I am starting to accept that these things happen. A lot. Nothing really super spectacular happened, except that I did a little IMing with a really hot guy on my lunch hour. He was like "are you leaving now?" and I was like "um, I'm at work so I should probably log off so I don't get busted and fired" and he was like "okay. don't get busted. or fired. have a great day". Oh yeah, he's 6'1". Sweet. We're going for drinks tomorrow night.
Alright, so I guess there is a bit of a weird angle to this. He looks amazingly like a friend of mine: C. Not just a little bit, not just a passing resemblance, but freakishly like my friend. I actually experienced this once before. Michael, his niece and I were at a coffee shop in North Van and we saw a woman that was almost identical to his sister (and his niece's mother). It was mind blowing. We were so wigged out that we wanted to take a picture of her, but how to explain? Michael's niece actually called her mother (on a cell, long distance to Toronto) to tell her the story once we had left. But this is about me. And the guy that looks like C.
It got me to thinking. People that know me quite well would have a pretty good idea of what I'm looking for in the online dating world. I have a CBC shirt: it's easy to infer that I like CBC. I scream at people that leave the water running when they brush their teeth: I am somewhat environmentally conscious. I work out a bit: fitness is important. I drink. You know, occasionally for the health benefits. You might infer that I like wine. I likely mentioned that B was 6'1" and that I found that height most appealing.
I IM back and forth with this guy and we make plans to go for a drink and it appears that Thursday night is not a good night for him. Which is really odd because I'm seeing C on Thursday night. I start to think: would my friend be so cruel as to post a fake profile knowing all the things that I am looking for, and throw up some pics of himself since I may have mentioned that I don't want to gouge my eyes out when I look at him? That would be a cruel, cruel joke! It's like Superman and Kent Clark: I will never be able to get the two of them in a room together. Plus my friend will have to wear lifts because he is not 6'1". And he'll have to engage in liberal banter with me, and decry the inefficiency of certain vehicles... one of which he drives. Yes, some fun could be had.
The alternative is that there is a bigger, better version of C out there (sorry, man) and we're going to hit it off and get married. Hey, aim high, right? Then we can all go snowmobiling off into the sunset. Sigh. I hope he thinks I'm pretty. The pictures on my profile don't do enough to showcase the enormity of my nose. But nor does C's photos do enough to hide the fact that he's really 5'8" and I'm going to murder him if this is his idea of a fun gag tomorrow night.


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