Thursday, April 26, 2007

I am sick

In so many ways. I am coming to you live, from my bed. I'm still in my pajamas. I am going to find the makers of Cold FX and kick them in the shins. I'll get to that later.
Last night I met up with my friend C's doppleganger. And yes, he was quite attractive in person. And funny. We ended up chatting for over three hours. I found him very amusing and interesting and we seemed to have a lot in common, except for the fact that his job is really interesting whereas mine is not so much. At all. But that's okay! We can't all have interesting jobs. Anyways, he walks me to my car at the end of the evening and stands like ten feet away from me. Er, not a good sign. He said he'd like to see me again and I said I would like to see him again as well and then said I would leave the ball in his court since he has a more hectic schedule than I do. So we shall see. I hope he calls or emails or something. I had a really great talk with Po the other day that ties into this.
After my Wednesday night date, I called a friend of mine to say that, though the guy hadn't been my cup of tea I thought that she and he might hit it off. She hemmed and hawed about getting on POF and I encouraged her. Misery loves company. Oh yeah, remember the blog a while ago when I said I was getting off POF? Yeah, totally didn't do that. At any rate, while I was talking to her Po left a message that she was reading this really great book and she wanted to tell me about it. So I call her back. The really great book that she was raving about was "He's Just Not That Into You". At first I thought she was being facetious and pulling my leg, but no, she was quite jazzed by this book and wanted me to read it. The main premise that she was excited about (which is so common sense it's borderline idiotic) was this: if a guy says he's going to call, and then he doesn't call it's because he's just not that into you; if he was into you, he would be clamouring to call. Duh. I think in the dim recesses of all women's minds we know this. After digesting this, Po used her new found knowledge to apply it to a guy she was smitten with, that had said he would call but didn't. She basically called him on it, said that she gathered he wasn't into her because he hadn't called and she wanted to move on. She said he sounded relieved. I didn't get it? Why relieved? Well, this brings us to the next part of the book (which I still haven't read). Apparently men are so afraid that we are going to cry or engage in all manner of histrionics that they won't come out and say "yeah, I'm just not feeling it". I must admit I was a little surprised by that: I mean, aren't men supposed to be the more forward, blunt sex? After my date last week I was the first to tell the guy that I wasn't into it. I want to be straightforward and I don't want to lead anyone on. But no, apparently men think women are emotionally unstable creatures that can't handle the truth.
This, of course, applies in so, so many ways to the whole B scenario. It actually made me question whether or not he did fuck off to Mexico like he said he had - was it all some elaborate ruse just to get rid of me? Anyone up for some stalking in the West End this weekend? Kidding. Anyways, I will hold on to my belief that he really did like me and that the timing was off and that he did move back to the US, because it helps me sleep at night. But if it really was a tall tale just to get me to move along, then he's quite the asshole. Just say, after the the second or third date: I think you're great, but I don't see this going anywhere because of xyz, so maybe I'll see you around. Fine! After two or three dates that's acceptable. After six weeks it's not, because now I have a vested interest! Stupid men. But then, stupid women too. If he wants to see you, he will make arrangements to see you. Women shouldn't pursue men. Who would've thought that men would be the more subtle sex when it came to this?
But, like Po said, when you are into someone you do tend to want to pursue them. Sitting back and waiting for the phone to ring is a little easier said than done. As I sit here. Waiting for my phone to ring. Would there be much harm in just sending one email? Talk to me in six weeks...
Oh yeah, and as for the Cold FX stuff that I took last night to try and knock the cold out of me? Well I'm not entirely sure what in the hell is in those capsules, but I think it might be speed. Last night, happy, slightly sick and tired, I popped one of those things and then lay awake until about 2:30am with my heart pounding in a state of high agitation. I called in sick today because I still feel a bit rotten, but moreover now I am totally frickin' exhausted. I checked the packaging this morning and it said "non drowsy". No shit, Sherlock! I should pop a couple of those things before I do my next 10k.
Alright. Now to go amuse myself while not making contact with the guy from last night.


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