Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The thing I totally forgot to blog about yesterday

Right. So I was early (per usual) for my “date” last night, and I went up and ordered a cappuccino. The guy was very friendly, took my order, and I went and sat down. After a few minutes I thought I heard my order being called out, so I went to retrieve it. No cappuccino. Since I had left my seat, and since three or four minutes had passed, I decided to loiter around the coffee bar because certainly my drink would be ready momentarily. I even made eye contact with the guy that took my order a couple of times. Then some more patrons came in and I thought “well, perhaps they are a bit backlogged”, so I went and sat down. After another five minutes had passed and my “date” showed up and chatted with me for a minute I indicated that I had ordered a coffee and that I wished to check on its lengthy, arduous progress. I walk over to the same guy with whom I had placed my order say twelve minutes ago and I said, “Hey, how’s it going?”. He looks at me and says, “Good, how are you doing?”. I was more expecting something along the lines of “Oh my god, I totally forgot your drink”, but that was not forthcoming. We stare at each other for a few moments, him with a bemused look on his face, me with the dawning realization that I may be dealing with someone that has difficulty tying his own shoes and I say politely, “Um, I ordered a cappuccino like ten minutes ago”. Dig this. He expresses surprise and says, “Really?! From who?”. Wow. It must be fun to come to work high. I say, “Ah, I ordered it from you”. Awkward silence. I must try some of his herbage. He apologizes profusely and asks the barista to make a cappuccino and then, thinking he will do me one up, upgrades it to a medium, free of charge. I say “I actually did order a medium”. So he then upgrades it to a large. Which is probably why I had to take half a sleeping pill last night and then had a nightmare in which B was a pirate with a really weird accent.


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