Saturday, April 28, 2007

It's Kerrisdale Days again

Minutes after I posted my last blog I received an email from the doppleganger. Let us refer to him on a go forward as M. Doppleganger takes a long time to write out. At any rate, the email was quite complimentary and we made arrangements to get together on Friday night (last night) to go see a movie entitled "After the Wedding". We had discussed the idea of going out afterwards to dissect the movie. The movie let out around 9 and we then went to East is East on Broadway for some excellent Indian food. I panicked at the idea of having to parallel park because I felt pressured. I was kind of joking, but not. For some reason I get nervous trying to parallel park in front of people I don't know well. Look, I have a limited amount of time to get this blog done before I have a nap, so let's discuss my many hang ups later, okay? At any rate, M assured me that there was no pressure to parallel park and I could take my sweet time, or even seek out a better parking spot. Which I did. And he didn't point and laugh which was nice.
Around 11 we were done dinner and, as usual, I had forgotten where I had parked. I then stood in the middle of the street and declared "I get lost a lot. I am constantly afraid that there is something stuck in my teeth. I just thought you should know that". He replied that that was absolutely fine because he has an excellent sense of direction, and he promised to always tell me if I had something stuck in my teeth. That weird declaration made, we then decided to go somewhere for dessert, so we ended up at a really funky place on Main Street. At some point I looked at my watch and realized it was broken: it said it was quarter to one in the morning. I expressed my concern to M who confirmed that it was indeed closing in on 1am. For some reason I had a really, really hard time understanding how it had become 1am. I wasn't tired. It kind of seemed like we had just sat down and then they were closing the joint. The evening felt.... unfinished.
At any rate, back into the car we went and I said I would give him a lift to his place. We both expressed a high degree of amazement at how time had flown by, and how neither of us were tired at all. I find this most amazing given I had not slept well on Thursday night, was fighting a cold and had been up since 6:30 that morning. M then suggested that we just keep on going. So we went back to his place. Okay. Seriously. At 3:20am I left (after receiving a very friendly HUG). I got to bed at 4 this morning. I can't remember when I had such a night. It was a lot like the movie "Before Sunrise". It just kept going and going and we kept talking and talking.
This morning I woke up suspiciously early, but wasn't really that tired. I tried to make myself stay in bed, but around ten the MARCHING BAND kicked of this year's Kerrisdale Days by crashing around the neighbourhood for half an hour. Bastards. Now horse drawn carriages are going down my street, the passengers staring at me as I perform such fun tasks as: cleaning my tea kettle; putting away cutlery; and picking my nose. I try to wave at them as I pick my nose. The kids seem to like it.
Now I am listening to the cool riffs of some jazz band (because they have live music all over the place during Kerrisdale Days too, of course - I'm quite sure the DTES has something really similar going on right now) float through the cherry blossomed breeze into the cool stillness of my apartment and I am contemplating a nap.
Yeah. So wow. I am feeling a little reserved about this because of the whole B thing so I'm trying not to get all giddy and excited. Quite difficult.
Okay. I know I must be tired so I think I am going to have a nap. I don't feel tired though. Perhaps a little. Alrighty. I am going now. Peace out.


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