Friday, April 27, 2007

Okay, I wasn't that sick

Last night C came over. For dinner no less. When he arrived he said to me, “You look good”. He is now my best friend. I’m not sure how I ended up cooking dinner; he had called to say he would be by around 8pm and that he wouldn’t be having dinner so could he eat with me, otherwise he would pick something up en route. I said sure, come on over and join me. Then I looked in the freezer and no back up pizza! Oh my god. Now what? All my meat was frozen which left me with eggs. So I started to make an omelette type thing with pan fry-esque other things, and toast. I do toast pretty well. Half way through it I was getting flustered since I had ventured greatly from my traditional dinner routine of eating over the kitchen sink while talking to someone on the phone. I thought, what in the hell am I doing cooking? For a man? And then I looked down and I was in a shapeless housedress, with bare feet and I was pregnant! That must have been why I looked good to C. Just kidding.
I brought him up to speed on my current dating activity. I think from now on I am going to collectively refer to the men with whom I have gone out on a date as “my mens”. So you can now email me and say “what’s the status with your mens?”. It makes me laugh. I told him about my date with his doppelganger and then proceeded to show him pictures to prove my point. C was sufficiently weirded out. As we were looking at the pictures someone tried to initiate an IM session with me which C totally wanted to get in on. Dude, get your own profile.
A couple of beers later I explained the whole scenario with the doppelganger and how I wanted to see him again and he had indicated that he wanted to see me too, but no email or call had been forthcoming and Po had scared me with the whole “He’s Just Not That Into You” book revelation, so what was I to do. He said that I should email him. More specifically that we should email him together. I said no way. I think C is a closet single person. I asked him to give me a general idea of what he would put in the email and he said that he wouldn’t know until he started typing it. Okay, two beers plus stream of consciousness emailing to a guy you went on one date with = bad idea.
So we talked about euthanizing cats for a while, made more plans to go for our fabled “run” and then he went home, full of a poorly cooked meal and grand email ideas. Not wanting to disappoint him, I did fire off (what I thought was) a humorous email to the doppelganger. It wasn’t clingy, I think I wrote: “You are uber-hot and I know where you live. You better call me.” Kidding. I sent a copy to C for his review and feedback. Haven’t heard back from either of them. Story of my life thus far…


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