Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Shiny objects

It appears that this M fellah is having an adverse impact on this girl's sleep. We exchanged a couple of emails during the day yesterday (I love emails from attractive men that exceed one paragraph) and he asked what the "cut-off" time for calling me was. First off, that's quite considerate and secondly, it shored up his earlier claim that he would indeed call me this week. I said my cut-off was 11 o'clock. For the record? My cut off is 10 o'clock. For him, I was willing to extend it a leetle...
Anyways, after I got home from work yesterday I went to London Drugs to get some decent speakers for my laptop, since I'm back into downloading cool music again (Thievery Corporation rocks, as does the Lost in Translation soundtrack). So there I was, with packaging and CDs (I was multitasking: downloading and ripping) scattered around me, grooving to Spoon and the JayHawks and my phone rings. It's him. I know this, because I have already assigned him a specific ring tone. I know, I know, that may be moving a little fast, but I have high hopes for this guy. Mostly because he is 6'1".
I answer. The conversation is rather stilted for the first five or ten minutes and I'm wondering if he felt an obligation to call and that's why, or if it's just a "hi, I'm just checking in" kind of call. Then we started talking about some real issues. Putting stuff out there. Comparing experiences. A small amount of painful extraction of childhood stuff. All good. Then we start on bottled water. Why do we drink bottled water (let me note that the only time I buy it is when I am dying of thirst and don't want juice or pop)? The water in Vancouver in notoriously clean. The empty water bottles are an environmental concern. There have been studies indicating that in some instances tap water is actually cleaner than bottled water. Caught up in the moment I say, "M, I don't think this is going to work. Clearly we have nothing in common," to which he replies, "You're right. I'm going to hang up now. I hate you."
It was great. We chatted a bit more and I had to beg off: it was 11:30! He told me he thought I was awesome. I said I would tentatively pencil him in for Saturday. He asked me to definitely pen him in for Saturday.
We said our goodnights, I hung up the phone: we had talked for an hour. For some reason I felt compelled to share this with someone so I called my parents. At 11:30. They were sleeping. I woke my dad up, and then my mom called back to make sure everything was okay. Yep. 11:30 is definitely past the cutoff.


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