Sunday, May 06, 2007

Organic toothpaste is expensive

Friday night went as planned, with Po and N coming over for a little hen party. Po brought two whole beers with her. And drank one! I almost had to throw her out of the apartment for being so rowdy. It was a great night, except for the technical difficulty I encountered trying to order Chinese food. I never order Chinese food. I was even going to shell out extra to have them deliver, but no one answered! It was like I wasn't supposed to eat Chinese food that night or something. But I did. Twice.
I did sleep pretty late on Saturday which kicked ass. I'm a big fan of the sleep in. I am adept at the sleep in. M called (as promised) on Saturday, and we contemplated what to do for our date. We decided we would go for a walk at Spanish Banks. He picked me up in his cool Yaris and we listened to cool music as we drove down there. I think he came to get me around 3:30. We walked from the beach to the Naam on 4th and had dinner (it was around 6pm at this point). Then we walked back. Then he came back to my place. We chatted. Like until 2am. Yeah. Oh yeah. And he didn't get off easy with a hug, either.
Then I got a little mellow and decided it was a good idea to email Big D. Yeah. I think I saved a copy of that one to my sent folder, so I should definitely have a re-read of that puppy. Saw Big D today and asked if he had read the email. He was like "what email?". This, from the guy that tells me he's in apartment 401 so I buzz 401 and it rings and rings and no one answers. And then my phone rings and he's like "oh no wait, I totally live in apartment 402". Okay. Um, how is it you're not certain where you live? But that's okay. So anyways, he opens his inbox and clicks on my email and man is it lengthy. I'm sure it's chock full of totally incoherent ramblings that I felt were particularly important and/or illuminating at the time.
Nonetheless, we traipsed around Granville to meet up with Michael and discovered that there is a secret conspiracy to close down all the non-Starbucks coffee shops in the South Granville area. What the frick? We ended up at Big News or whatever it's called. The three of us had a nice chat and then Michael accompanied me furniture shopping and we found a really cool consignment shop called Fullhouse at Granville and 8th (?) that had lots of cool Danish modern furniture. I started to hyperventilate and fumble with my credit cards and had picked out a love seat, chairs and a whole new dining set when we decided we needed to calm our selves, so we went for beer and wings at the Cactus Club. Tried to get into good old Caffe Barney but there was a line up and, as usual, Michael was doing his pee dance.
After I dropped Michael off at a random intersection downtown and wished him luck, I did some grocery shopping and got gas. For my car. I filled my car with gas. Having not had to fill up for some time I was bracing myself for the damage: $37. I love my Civic.
Then I went home and returned the call from M... from like 6 hours ago. We chatted a bit. It was kind of stilted. He was like, "what are you doing tonight?" and I said I was going to lay low and rent a movie. I asked him what he was doing. He said he was contemplating changing positions on the couch and was also considering a movie. Then it was stilted some more and we said our goodbyes. So I went and did the dishes and thought, huh, this is really stupid. So I called him back and asked if anything important had occur ed in the last ten minutes. He indicated that he had changed positions on the couch and that the new position was working well. He said he might consider a further position change in the near future. Then I asked him if he would like to come over and watch The Squid and the Whale with me, even though he had seen me scant hours before and had already watched the movie. He said yes. I highly recommend this movie. Though not on a first date or to watch with parents. Er, yeah. A fourth date is fine though. After the movie we talked about sleep apnea, and the keyless entry and ignition system on the Prius. Hot. And I told him that I had bought organic toothpaste, broccoli and recycled toilet paper. Oh my god, it was so sexy.
Organic toothpaste is significantly more money than regular toothpaste. I anticipate that it will be worth it.


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